Adventures of Ishtar #9 now in free area!

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Adventures of Ishtar #9 now in free area!

Postby Mr. Cryptic » November 20th, 2011, 11:09 pm

Will Ishtar (trapped in her Maria Jones identity) and Ocelot Woman be able to escape Lord Prospero and Agent Beauty!?
Or, will they be taken to the Island of Villains as helpless prisoners!?
The answer is in the latest installment of The Adventures of Ishtar, chapter nine, now in the free area!
This a completely new update, never before posted at HIP Comix or MC Comix!
Also, an important announcment: I will be making my monthly updates to the MC Comix Member's section, starting next month!
So if you want to follow this epic saga of seduction and domination, and you are not member's at MC Comix, sign up now!
You can read the Adventures of Ishtar #9 free here:


Next month, Victory City #22 will debut in the Member's Section at MC Comix!

Mr. Cryptic
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Re: Adventures of Ishtar #9 now in free area!

Postby jrhcl2 » November 23rd, 2011, 2:31 pm

Hello Mr. Cryptic!! Great installment!! The reason i like the installment so much is, i'm always glad to see something go the good guys way, even those Maria still can't remember she's Ishtar. I thought for sure they were going to be capture and taken back to the Guild island. I was thinking Maria would defeat agent beauty, but Sebastian would be able to use the sexual energy he got from Ocelot Woman Breasts and would put Maria back under his sexual spell and with Ocelot Woman already under his spell, than take them both back to the island and begin the first phase of his plan to invade the home of the Gods, i'm glad that didn't happen!! The Adventures Of Ishtar is at it end, i've enjoyed the telling of the story of how Lord Prospero was able to gain a greater knowledge of magic from the Goddess! I thought the story of how Lord Prospero was able to seduce both Ishtar and her alter ego Maria Jones was outstanding, especially Ishtar in the taming of the Goddess,making her remember how it felted when they make love, she melted like butter!! Even those i like the images of them making love from installments #2,#4 and #5 the best!!

It turned out that Ocelot Woman was real able to save the day, because things weren't looking so good for a little while their, if Ocelot Woman haven't stepped in, Sebastian would have taken Maria back to the Guild island as his willing slave!! I noticed that Maria still has the ring of transformation on of her finger, i'm wondering if that could help her remember who she real is? It will be good to see Brickhouse and the gang from Victoy City again!! I know you said in one of you e-mails we would see the next part of his plan,i was wondering if he will use the tantric technique for building prana and if it will work this time, since it didn't work with Ishtar. And he was only able to get sexual energy from Ocelot Woman by rubbing her Breasts.

If the Guild stay true to form, i'm sure they will learn a lot from this encounter, for Lord Prospero can provide them with the blue print on how to defeat Ishtar!!! In this encounter of Ishtar vs Lord Prospero, Prospero has learned powerful magic, on a level with Ishtar, she has provided him with the knowledge on how to create prana, the tantrlc technique, he's learned divine sexual technique which he can use to seduce heroines, The big thing he has learned,he now knows how to beat Ishtar!! In this first meeting between Lord Prospero and Ishtar, Lord Prospero was the clear winner!!

In your last e-mail, you said we will see Ishtar in the Victory Legion series over at Hipcomix, since that will be a different story and a different version of Ishtar, i was wondering if we will see Ishtar anytime soon in the Victory City series,with the lord Prospero plot?? The Lord Prospero story will be continued in the Victory City series, which means we may not see The Adventures of Ishtar, with Ishtar in it until late in 2012 or early in 2013.

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Re: Adventures of Ishtar #9 now in free area!

Postby Mr. Cryptic » November 26th, 2011, 10:19 pm

I think it's important to show the heroines winning a lot of the time, if for no other reason it makes it more exciting when a villain manages to capture or otherwise defeat them. If the heroine is a pushover, the mind control and perils become kind of like "dog bites man" and not interesting.

Ocelot Woman is indeed a powerful ally of Ishtar's. I think I portrayed her in a way true to the BC's stories. She was somewhat easily captured and controlled when Agent Beauty darted her in the breast, but then when she was left alone, she recovered her senses very quickly.

When Adventures of Ishtar #10 comes out, it will explore who Maria Jones is when she doesn't know that she's a goddess and a superheroine. Not sure when that will come out. I miss Ishtar too, and I do plan for her to come back!

Victory Legion won't have different versions of the characters that are here at MC Comix. The main difference will be that it will be less continuity heavy. The stories will be more self-contained. For example, I don't plan to end a story with a heroine suffering amnesia, like I did with Ishtar #9. This will free me up to tell stories that otherwise might not fit into the overarching plot.
Mr. Cryptic
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Re: Adventures of Ishtar #9 now in free area!

Postby jrhcl2 » November 27th, 2011, 9:50 am

Hello Mr. Cryptic, I'll be looking forward too the Victory City series featuring Brickhouse!! But i have to be honest an say i'm disappointed at the news, that Ishtar won't be appearing as Ishtar, From what your saying, Ishtar basically will be only appearing as her alter ego Maria Jones!? Now i understand why you said Lord Prospero is the biggest threat the heroines will face!! he has basically taken Ishtar, the Goddess of love and war out of the picture!! Ishtar is completely gone from this continuity , leaving only her alter ego Maria Jones. As far as Ishtar appearing in Victory legions, when i said that a different story and a different version of her!! I meant the story will be a whole lot different 8-) Don't be upset with me for saying this again, but it's disappointing to learn we won't see Ishtar for a while in this continuity!! :|
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Re: Adventures of Ishtar #9 now in free area!

Postby Mr. Cryptic » November 28th, 2011, 2:53 pm

Ishtar will be returning within the course of this storyline. You'll just have to wait and see when and how :) !
Part of the Prospero storyline will be in Panthera Khan #1 and 2, and those will be free updates (those were the first comics I ever did, which I posted three years ago on my now defunct website). Those will be free updates and extras in addition to the regular monthly member's section updates. Ishtar will be back this year I'm pretty sure.
Mr. Cryptic
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Re: Adventures of Ishtar #9 now in free area!

Postby mns_95125 » November 28th, 2011, 8:13 pm

Ishtar will be back this year I'm pretty sure.

I suspect you mean "next year" -- there isn't that much of this year left and your December update is already on the schedule. (Ok, yes, I'm a nitpicker.)
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Re: Adventures of Ishtar #9 now in free area!

Postby Mr. Cryptic » November 29th, 2011, 9:36 am

Yes, I was meaning the next 12 month period. I think she'll be back at MC Comix during the summer. She'll be back sooner at HIP Comix.
Mr. Cryptic
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Re: Adventures of Ishtar #9 now in free area!

Postby jrhcl2 » November 29th, 2011, 3:42 pm

Mr. Cryptic wrote:I think it's important to show the heroines winning a lot of the time, if for no other reason it makes it more exciting when a villain manages to capture or otherwise defeat them. If the heroine is a pushover, the mind control and perils become kind of like "dog bites man" and not interesting.

Ocelot Woman is indeed a powerful ally of Ishtar's. I think I portrayed her in a way true to the BC's stories. She was somewhat easily captured and controlled when Agent Beauty darted her in the breast, but then when she was left alone, she recovered her senses very quickly.

When Adventures of Ishtar #10 comes out, it will explore who Maria Jones is when she doesn't know that she's a goddess and a superheroine. Not sure when that will come out. I miss Ishtar too, and I do plan for her to come back!

Victory Legion won't have different versions of the characters that are here at MC Comix. The main difference will be that it will be less continuity heavy. The stories will be more self-contained. For example, I don't plan to end a story with a heroine suffering amnesia, like I did with Ishtar #9. This will free me up to tell stories that otherwise might not fit into the overarching plot.

Hi! Cryptic !! I was re-reading this forums on your comments on Ishtar# 9, and looked at this comment you make about the heroines winning a lot of the time. As least for me, i'm not so sure about that!! it seem to me the villains wins just as much as the heroines, and they gain a lot more from their victorys!!

This is why i think this, in the ring of domination, when Ishtar was the American Goddess, she didn't come out as the winner in that battle with that thug, she became his slave, she made him rich, if it wasn't for him being killed and in eternity, Ishtar is a powerful Goddess, but in that story, she never really came close to defeating that thug!! she is really still his slave!! he's just not here with the living.

Second, Ishtar battle with Lord Prospero, she has again been badly beaten!! Ishtar said in Ishtar #4 to Sebastian, everything i have is your!!! That turn out to be very true, he learn new magic from her, she became his sexual pet and he took her true identity from her, he really did take everything from her, I hope he doesn't keep her soul, like the thug did in the ring of domination!!. :cry: Me being pro-hero, it seems the villains win most of time, if wasn't for some plot twist the villains would win all the time, because the heroines haven't been winning with their skill, knowledge are their powers, as a matter of fact when it come to the heroines powers , some villains, ultra have been able to add their powers to their own, and in Ishtar case, she has provided villains with knowledge which they can gain even greater power, as well as having her own powers used to defeat and enslave her!! It only seem when the heroines are under the control of a villain, we do get to see how powerful they really are, when their powers are used for evil, like attacking their fellow heroes or preforming a mission for their masters!! As least to me, the heroines are lucky to get any victorys!!!!? :shock:

Because the villains seem to be a lot smarter, a lot better prepared, and a lot more skilled at using their powers, even when they have very limited powers or no powers at all, the villains still beat the more powerful heroeines!! As least to me , the villains are always a step a head of the heroines and gain a lot more from their victorys, the heroines spend a lot of time being SLAVES TO THE VILLAINS!!! It seems the villains always learn from their encounter with the heroines and come back better prepared!! not like the heroines, it seem their always guessing!!? In Victory City #1 when Ishtar was signing on with the SDA, Paul said the supervillains are BEATING THE HELL out of the heroes, THEY REALLY ARE!! :( As least it seem like that to me!! But i'm pro-hero, i always want the heroes to win!!
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Re: Adventures of Ishtar #9 now in free area!

Postby Mr. Cryptic » November 30th, 2011, 4:54 am

I wrote a reply but I lost it :( .

To make a long story short, most of the time Ishtar wins, but at HIP and MC Comix, we focus on heroines in peril or being mind controlled, so a disproportionate amount of screen time is spent on heroines being defeated. Adventures of Ishtar #1, where Ishtar solves crisis after crisis, is more representative of a typical day in her life.

Prospero is probably the most formidible villain in my stable of characters. To Victory City, Prospero is, or will be, like Max Indeks, Lex Luthor, or Doctor Doom. So Ishtar being totally defeated by him is not quite as humbling as it might seem.
Mr. Cryptic
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Re: Adventures of Ishtar #9 now in free area!

Postby jrhcl2 » December 1st, 2011, 2:51 pm

Mr. Cryptic wrote:I wrote a reply but I lost it :( .

To make a long story short, most of the time Ishtar wins, but at HIP and MC Comix, we focus on heroines in peril or being mind controlled, so a disproportionate amount of screen time is spent on heroines being defeated. Adventures of Ishtar #1, where Ishtar solves crisis after crisis, is more representative of a typical day in her life.

Prospero is probably the most formidible villain in my stable of characters. To Victory City, Prospero is, or will be, like Max Indeks, Lex Luthor, or Doctor Doom. So Ishtar being totally defeated by him is not quite as humbling as it might seem.

Hi!! Me again, I understand that both sites focus more on showing these heroes being defeated!! As you know, i'm a big comic book fan!! All comic book heroes get defeated at some point!! Don't get me wrong this is a good story!! These point i was trying to make, the villain knows he/she will have a fight on their hands, when they try to defeat the hero!! You can understand why the villains fears the hero!! As least to me, Ishtar was defeated pretty easy by Lord Prospero, she didn't put up much of a fight , from beginning to the end of their battle, there was never a moment you thought Ishtar might win!! While i don't like seeing hero getting beat, i know the heroes will get defeated from time to time, nobody wins all the time!

It very clear that both sites have a different twist on superheroines storytelling!! Most of the stories are about the heroines defeats not their victorys. Here my examples,The past two series starring the Goddess ( American Goddess and The Adventures Of Ishtar), haven't been stories about her victorys over evil, they've been about her falling victim to evil!! As least in the ring, crime really does pay, the thug came out a head in everyway, even after he died, crime again has payed off for the villain, with all the powerful magic the villain has learned from his slave (Ishtar) again falling victim to evil!! The powerful Goddess, her power have not been highlighted saving the day, most of the time in both series, it been used to defeat her or used to benefit her masters!!

In both her series, the villains didn't paid for their crimes, she didn't defeat her foes, instead she served her foes , Ishtar ended up calling each of her foes MASTER !! As least in both her solo series, Ishtar hasn't done so well against her two foes. You said that Lord Prospero is going to be like Lex Luthor and Dr. Doom to victory City, each of those villains always have a battle on their hands, with Superman and the Fantastic Four, you know those heroes always find a way to turn defeat into victory, comeback from a defeat or overcome their weaknesses!! You have said Ishtar is a lot like superman when it come to how powerful she is, but she has yet to show she can turn defeat into victory or overcome her weaknesses.

This is a story about how Lord Prospero gained his power and the heroines he defeated to gain that power. ( Prospero is the star!! each heroines is just a stepping stones for him to gain even greater power!!) I just thought that Ishtar would have provided more of a challenge to Lord Prospero before she fell to him!!
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Re: Adventures of Ishtar #9 now in free area!

Postby Mr. Cryptic » December 4th, 2011, 10:06 pm

It's funny, because I was worried that Ishtar being so powerful that she might just go around solving every problem herself, with little effort and no need for help (which would be boring). But I guess the image of Ishtar in my head and what readers see in the comics may be different. I imagine her defeating evil all the time, so maybe I'll need to show more of that. The point of the montage at the beginiing of Adventures of Ishtar #1, to show how formidible a heroine she is.

I consider her to have completely triumphed in Ring of Domination. The thug who defeated her stopped being a criminal. The money he stole was returned. That he died and went to a pleasant afterlife is, to Ishtar, preferable to having him rot in jail, or worse, rot in hell. Ishtar wants all good things to happen to everyone, as much as possible. So for her, that was a complete triumph (well, not quite complete since Thundervolt, Cloudfall, and Bonebreaker did not convert to her side, but still pretty good).

I'm not sure I'd say Prospero's the star, but he is the constant theme in the current storyline. He'll be present in all the series, but the star will be the heroine, either Ishtar, Brickhouse, or possibly others.
Mr. Cryptic
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Re: Adventures of Ishtar #9 now in free area!

Postby jrhcl2 » December 20th, 2011, 8:22 pm

Mr. Cryptic wrote:It's funny, because I was worried that Ishtar being so powerful that she might just go around solving every problem herself, with little effort and no need for help (which would be boring). But I guess the image of Ishtar in my head and what readers see in the comics may be different. I imagine her defeating evil all the time, so maybe I'll need to show more of that. The point of the montage at the beginiing of Adventures of Ishtar #1, to show how formidible a heroine she is.

I consider her to have completely triumphed in Ring of Domination. The thug who defeated her stopped being a criminal. The money he stole was returned. That he died and went to a pleasant afterlife is, to Ishtar, preferable to having him rot in jail, or worse, rot in hell. Ishtar wants all good things to happen to everyone, as much as possible. So for her, that was a complete triumph (well, not quite complete since Thundervolt, Cloudfall, and Bonebreaker did not convert to her side, but still pretty good).

I'm not sure I'd say Prospero's the star, but he is the constant theme in the current storyline. He'll be present in all the series, but the star will be the heroine, either Ishtar, Brickhouse, or possibly others.

Hi Cryptic !! I've been thinking if i should reply to these comments, because i'm a big fan of your work, and don't agree completely with your comments. Don't want to upset you, but i've always been honest with you. First your right !!,Ishtar does seem very powerful, but it seem her powers are used to defeat her are to serve a villain. We haven't seen her using her powers to defeated villains a whole lot, as least to me , she's been a slave more then a hero in her Adventures. I know ,I'd like to see more of her defeating evil, than being defeated by a evil villain!! I'd like to see some of Ishtar's happy moments, to see her be with someone she really care for and wants to be with, instead of always being with strangers and villains, but that just me !! and i know these stories aren't about that :!: In a nutshell, i like the character Ishtar!! it only make sense to me, sense i like her, to want to see good things happen to her!! I'm not one of those people that like to see their favorite characters being tormented.

Second when it come to the ring of Domination story, Ishtar is a Goddess of love and you said she wants good things to happen to everyone,as much as possible! This show that she's a very caring and forgiving Goddess!! But i still don't see that story as a story of triumph for her. He used her for what he wanted, as least to me, their was no point in the story he treated her like a person, he spoke to her and treated her as nothing but a slave, someone to be used in anyway he wanted!! A powerful Goddess, there to grant his wishes :!: Plus to me in order for this story to be a triumph for the Goddess, she would have found away to break free of the thug's hold on her, but she never did, if he would have told her to stand on her head she would have did it, even after he died she still ended up on her knees in the afterlife serving him!! The Goddess only got her freedom thru a twist of fate, not from anything she did!!

If he haven't died, he would have still been the same way a thug, who would lie, cheat and steal to get what he wants, a common criminal!! That the part of the story i really didn't like, criminal behavior being rewarded. I know, the ended of the story is about him giving up his life to help the Goddess, but did he really?? That didn't seem like that was his plan, it seemed like a twist of fate, he wouldn't have changed, he would have treated the Goddess the same, nothing but a slave to serve his needs, he would have remained the same a criminal!! if he was still a live. But that just the way i view it!

I realize the storyline is about Lord Prospero rise to power! I just hope these other heroines don't lose as much as Ishtar did!! (Herself!!) The story of how Lord Prospero learns magic from Ishtar, was very good, the artwork was outstanding!! I'm looking forward to seeing how it turnout!! But i wouldn't be honest if i didn't say the biggest things i'm looking forward to is Lord Prospero being defeated!! I didn't like the way The Adventures Of Ishtar ended, with the villain coming out the winner( evil winner over good) and Maria Jones not remembering who she really is, Ishtar the Goddess of love and war!! A FORCE FOR GOOD!!!

The reason i said Lord Prospero was the star, the star of a story always has challenges they have to overcome, but they find away to win in these end. Even those the title of the series was named the adventures of Ishtar, she didn't overcome her challenges, he did. Ishtar facing hard challenges wasn't a surprise, what was surprising was she wasn't able to overcome those challenges in both stories. To me as least in the first nine installments of the adventures of Ishtar, lord Prospero was the star, because the story was about evil defeating good! That was my reason for saying that. (Sorry for such a long reply,) but i was trying to give you a idea on how i see those two stories,both stories were well told and very good!! They weren't stories about a heroine victorys over the villains, but about the villains victory over a heroine, totally defeating her in everyway!!

I have talked a lot about the theme of the heroines being defeated a lot in the storyline, because i'm pro-hero, pro-good guy. But from this point on i won't be bring that subject up again. I'm going to change the way i been viewing the stories and the heroines feature in the stories. I been thinking the stories would be like what you read in DC and Marvel comics, with heroines like Wonder Woman and the men-x storm. Where the heroines battles evil and defeated evil! But these are adult comix, from what i'll seen online most adult site that feature superheroines, the heroines don't win a lot. I'm going to think of Ishtar of being more like Ms. Americana, brave,sexy and strong, but you don't see her won a whole lot. Then i won't be so disappointed when she's defeated.
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Re: Adventures of Ishtar #9 now in free area!

Postby Mr. Cryptic » December 26th, 2011, 5:49 am

Hi Cryptic !! I've been thinking if i should reply to these comments, because i'm a big fan of your work, and don't agree completely with your comments. Don't want to upset you, but i've always been honest with you. First your right !!,Ishtar does seem very powerful, but it seem her powers are used to defeat her are to serve a villain. We haven't seen her using her powers to defeated villains a whole lot, as least to me , she's been a slave more then a hero in her Adventures. I know ,I'd like to see more of her defeating evil, than being defeated by a evil villain!! I'd like to see some of Ishtar's happy moments, to see her be with someone she really care for and wants to be with, instead of always being with strangers and villains, but that just me !! and i know these stories aren't about that :!: In a nutshell, i like the character Ishtar!! it only make sense to me, sense i like her, to want to see good things happen to her!! I'm not one of those people that like to see their favorite characters being tormented.

Second when it come to the ring of Domination story, Ishtar is a Goddess of love and you said she wants good things to happen to everyone,as much as possible! This show that she's a very caring and forgiving Goddess!! But i still don't see that story as a story of triumph for her. He used her for what he wanted, as least to me, their was no point in the story he treated her like a person, he spoke to her and treated her as nothing but a slave, someone to be used in anyway he wanted!! A powerful Goddess, there to grant his wishes :!: Plus to me in order for this story to be a triumph for the Goddess, she would have found away to break free of the thug's hold on her, but she never did, if he would have told her to stand on her head she would have did it, even after he died she still ended up on her knees in the afterlife serving him!! The Goddess only got her freedom thru a twist of fate, not from anything she did!!


Part of my thinking in the Ring of Domination story was that American Goddess influenced the crook to become more virtuous. It's difficult to say what would have happened if American Goddess had defeated Steel Jihad without the crook dying. Maybe they would have returned to his private island for the rest of his life, but I tend to think that he would have sent her off to do good again in the future, when it was important. He did it once so he'd probably do it again. From American Goddess' perspective, being the crook's love slave was bliss. As long as he didn't treat her cruelly or command her to do terrible things, obeying his commands was deeply pleasurable for her. Humilitating, but pleasurable. That's how love is in real life I think.

jrhcl2 wrote::!:

I realize the storyline is about Lord Prospero rise to power! I just hope these other heroines don't lose as much as Ishtar did!! (Herself!!) The story of how Lord Prospero learns magic from Ishtar, was very good, the artwork was outstanding!! I'm looking forward to seeing how it turnout!! But i wouldn't be honest if i didn't say the biggest things i'm looking forward to is Lord Prospero being defeated!! I didn't like the way The Adventures Of Ishtar ended, with the villain coming out the winner( evil winner over good) and Maria Jones not remembering who she really is, Ishtar the Goddess of love and war!! A FORCE FOR GOOD!!!

The reason i said Lord Prospero was the star, the star of a story always has challenges they have to overcome, but they find away to win in these end. Even those the title of the series was named the adventures of Ishtar, she didn't overcome her challenges, he did. Ishtar facing hard challenges wasn't a surprise, what was surprising was she wasn't able to overcome those challenges in both stories. To me as least in the first nine installments of the adventures of Ishtar, lord Prospero was the star, because the story was about evil defeating good! That was my reason for saying that. (Sorry for such a long reply,) but i was trying to give you a idea on how i see those two stories,both stories were well told and very good!! They weren't stories about a heroine victorys over the villains, but about the villains victory over a heroine, totally defeating her in everyway!!

I have talked a lot about the theme of the heroines being defeated a lot in the storyline, because i'm pro-hero, pro-good guy. But from this point on i won't be bring that subject up again. I'm going to change the way i been viewing the stories and the heroines feature in the stories. I been thinking the stories would be like what you read in DC and Marvel comics, with heroines like Wonder Woman and the men-x storm. Where the heroines battles evil and defeated evil! But these are adult comix, from what i'll seen online most adult site that feature superheroines, the heroines don't win a lot. I'm going to think of Ishtar of being more like Ms. Americana, brave,sexy and strong, but you don't see her won a whole lot. Then i won't be so disappointed when she's defeated.

In the case of Prospero, he's more of a resolute villain than that crook was, so I don't think his fate will be quite as easy as the one in Ring of Domination. I do intend to have the heroes win in the end, but Prospero is very formidable so it will be a long tough conflict (well, with lots of pleasure, but lots of struggling against domination).
Mr. Cryptic
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Re: Adventures of Ishtar #9 now in free area!

Postby jrhcl2 » December 27th, 2011, 6:10 pm

After following your comics for the past year. Now i think i understand the theme of the stories, like i said my thinking was they were like the theme you read in the mainstream comics ( only with sex and nudity in the stories), heroines having challenges to face, when battling a villain, she stay true to her task and to herself!! And she overcomes whatever challenges that are put before her to defeat the villain. These are stories, where the villains, he/she gain power over the heroines, taking their will from them and using them, in anyway they want. The tool they use to defeat the hero is their desires!! The heroines may come out a head in these end, but she will serve the villain, the villain will learn are gain power from the heroines. The heroines are a double threat in the stories, to the villains and to their fellow heroes once they fall to the villain. The heroines will turn against her fellow heroes and against the things she once believed in, fighting evil, protecting the weak, once they lose their wills to the villains, they will do anything for their masters!!

But i can accept that now, since it seems it's these only way i can see heroines in a adult comics, that seems to be the main theme for all the sites that feature heroines. I'll just say one more thing about the ring of Domination story, i think it a shame, that a good person, that was only trying to help people, would end of becoming a love slave to a person who would lie, cheat and steal from other to get what he wants. For me she deserved more than that, she deserved to be with someone who she really love ,not some thug who tricked her and used her own magic on her to make her love him, without the magic of the ring of Domination, that not how she truly feels about him!! It would been a shame to see a wonderful person like the goddess, be a love slave to a person like that for a long time, l was glad she regained her freedom in these end, so she would be free to fight evil and to chose who she wants to be with, with her own free will!! That what love is truly about!! As least that the way i think!

I know the heroines will be enslaved a lot in the story and the villains will have their way with them, i just hope there are moments in the story, that we get to see the heroines have a pleasurable encounter with a good guy not just the villains.
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Re: Adventures of Ishtar #9 now in free area!

Postby Mr. Cryptic » December 27th, 2011, 10:19 pm

When I was talking about love, I was talking more about erotic love. In my experience erotic love is a lot like a form of mind control, and also pleasurable but at the same time humbling. There are higher, more divine forms of love, like firefighters rushing into the World Trade Center to save people. I imagine that Ishtar is able to take those two kinds of love and unite them. She uses the power of erotic love to perform heroic deeds.

One criticism that could be made of Ring of Domination is that it promotes the idea that woman can save men by getting romanitically involved with them. I basically figured that Ishtar, even as a slave, was able to influence the crook in RoD towards moving away from evil and towards good. In real life there are many stories of woman dating "bad boys" to fix them, and of course it doesn't work most of the time (as far as I know). On the other hand, I do think women in general have a civilizing affect on men. Men outside the observation of woman frequently act in antisocial ways. So maybe RoD isn't so far off.

It is an ongoing question, why do I show the heroines having sex with villains and strangers, but not boyfriends or others they love of their own free will? A big part of it is that I usually avoid gratuitious sex, sex that isn't integral to the plot, and in general, 'everyday" sex just isn't integral to the plot. I have thought about some stories where regular boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife sex is integral to the plot, but with limited time, those ideas haven't come to fruition yet.

I had intended to show Rob and Charmaine (Liberty Omega and Pitbull) having sex in Victory City #19. But when I got down to composing that scene, it just seemed inappropriate and intrusive, so I showed them sitting naked together instead.

Anyway, I do have plans to show Ishtar having sex with someone she really loves in the future, so keep reading, CL!
Mr. Cryptic
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