Prized Displays

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Re: Prized Displays

Postby MacroLass » November 11th, 2011, 11:33 pm

Hector2 wrote:And just a question, what do you mean with the “P.E. Series”?

Most likely he's talking about The Platinum Earth, a series done over on by an author/artist named Sir Willoughby. My guess is that it's unlikely involve that series but if he got permission to use Finister and Doc Robo's characters, he might well have made the request of him as well.

Time will tell.
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Re: Prized Displays

Postby Hector2 » November 12th, 2011, 6:06 pm

Thanks Macrolass! I think your guess makes sense!

Well, I remember only something of “Platinum Earth”, but I think that the sciencist of P.E. explained to Jade and Snowflake that they were transported to another “dimension” – whatever that means – and the device where Ring Mistress met her demise was identified as a “Temporal Portal”, not a “Dimensional Portal” or something…

Now that I think of it, I remember this post by Akonkid:

"For lack of a better phrase, it feels like she hasn't "paid her dues". She, as a character, just creates an anachronism I struggle to make sense of in the Metrobay world, and that's why I was still sort of hoping she was perhaps secretly a member of the oft-ignored Time Command storylines, because that would make sense. Even in THOSE stories, set hundreds of years in the future, robots weren't as advanced as Terra's nano-dolls. And, to spring off of her "I forgot where this came from", that just further shows how unprofessional she is. She BUILT these creations, and yet she doesn't even remember how she did it, where the parts came from, or why these parts work? Maybe that can be explained that someone else, someone more experienced, has been giving her a leg up, but otherwise it just confuses me. A good craftsman knows his tools and what their uses are; a bad one doesn't, and usually the end product shows this. Yet, again, Terra's "product" is better than any other, despite her apparently not putting nearly as much time, effort, or attention onto her craft."

Maybe Akonkid is onto something, after all. Ring Mistress is a time traveling conspirator? It only makes sense to dispose of her with a Time Portal…

As Macrolass said, "Only time would tell"

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Re: Prized Displays

Postby mctek » November 15th, 2011, 3:16 pm

hey gang, thanks for the feed back. Now to answer some questions.

I also am hoping that RingMistress does not turn out to be a heroine. She's way to hot a villain (if she is a hero please do a permanent corruption story to turn her back to a pure villain again).

Terra is definitely a villain, still she does notice a bigger evil when she sees it. For all her faults, she isn't truly as evil as others may be or appear to be, She does plan things, and while it may seem not noticeable at first there is a point to it. She made it a point to keep things from Clarissa and even Galatea (the person she got the mind cloaker from for instance.) Let Clarissa and the Resort staff go, let her robot clones get destroy and flee elsewhere. Granted not everything went according to plan.

Awesome story. My only 'complaint' was that Dark Honey was way too short lived. I really liked that portrayal of her as she seemed so naughty.

Me too, but as i said before at some point i have to let them go as they are not my characters (VW,HD, ET, KK, and the LOSH girls) and must be at some point written out of the story or something to that effect.

And the temporal jump is a very neat scene. Absolutely can't wait to see where she's gone to. Personally I'd love for it to be the same universe that the MB heroines went to in the P.E. series. There's so many types of mindcontrol there. Of course a future where Mrs. Metrobay is the evil queen with her daughter as her consort would be really hot too! *just tossing out ideas here.

Like Hector said, she was send into a time portal, now the thing here as Terra was saying, the portal wasn't ready, built is one thing, tested and proven it works is another issue altogether. So It's a question if she even made it to a point B or is stuck in some kind of endless stream of temporal space and such.

But the real intriguing part is “What kind of plan was she a pawn for”?

Good question, she got alot of help making her stuff, what was it all for? :twisted:

My guess is that it's unlikely involve that series but if he got permission to use Finister and Doc Robo's characters, he might well have made the request of him as well.

Actually I only have access to Metrobay women :P or ones i make up on my own. Will's characters I'll leave alone as he still absent from MC comix and HIP comix.

Thanks again for the comments, keep'em coming!

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Re: Prized Displays

Postby Hector2 » November 21st, 2011, 2:02 am

Hi there MCtek!
Marvelous, is the only word I can produce to the last issue! It’s a triumph of the will!

First: Clarissa explaining “the Cicle” to the Action Cats. It was beautiful… The most beautiful part was showing “the Cicle” in action to explain Honeydolls escape, (after all, Bea is a genius, she must have escaped one way or another).

Now about Ring Mistress: I know I have been asking to be showed a scene where she fails… but this is something exaggerated. Not only she left behind his true (love? Obsession?) Clarissa, but she was trapped by an even greater evil. Some stories (Hypnotica and Body Image) in Metrobay seems to foreshadow the coming of a great evil… is the same villain on all the cases, or are they different?

The parte where I think you exaggerate is the part where she is awakened only to see the better villain to mock her. And she delivers the immortal line “What the… YOU!”. Why the victims don’t find another word to emote behind his nemesis that a mere pronoun? Well, at least Terra added “fuck you” before being private of her mental control. That was a very good example of Laser Guided Karma: Ring Mistress, whom destroyed a lot of heroine’s and common woman’s life without remorse, being utterly manipulated into a plan who involves pushing his loved Clarissa to desperation.

That I can understand, but then Terra said that the portal “was not ready” and your comment:

So It's a question if she even made it to a point B or is stuck in some kind of endless stream of temporal space and such.

Well, that would be too cruel, wouldn’t it? I only wanted to see Terra facing challenges, maybe a mayor defeat, but being stranded in time? Isn’t that a little harsh? She is an interesting villain after all, and seems capable of true love and not only obsession.

And by the way, you couldn’t think of a manner more humiliating to dispatch of Terra that in a conveyor belt of doom who goes very fast!

Well, even when I cannot identify Terra’s nemesis, I think is a woman who uses a uniform and a utility belt. Could it be the leader of the lambda syndicate? She has the resources to support Terra, and I think no one in Metrobay would think of disposing of a scientist so skilled like her.

The only problem I see with this issue is that there is a lot unexplained. Didn’t our heroines be immersed in a nervous breakdown when they realize that all their loved ones are probably dead? Isn’t the evil lair where Clarissa is mourning Terra, you know, going to explode?

Well, I think that would be explained in other issues, you did a very good work!

P.D: I loved the cameos: Kari, Lorenzo Trance, Sword, Simon… er… who is the villaines with Emerald Tiger and Kat Krusader? Could it be Violet? I’m not sure

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Re: Prized Displays

Postby Akonkid » November 21st, 2011, 6:21 pm

Loved the story... though I'm honestly shocked it ended. I legitimately thought it was only just beginning and hitting its stride.

EDIT: Critiques deleted. Will be handled privately from now on.
If she would just do what I asked, I wouldn't need to use mind control!
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Re: Prized Displays

Postby Hector2 » November 25th, 2011, 10:28 pm

Hi there Akonkid:

I want to discuss about your last post:

That's sort of my feeling on the wrap up. I was loving the ride, but the ending felt like hitting a brick wall. So much just "happens" for no real reason. I'm tempted to ask, why waste so many good ideas? This isn't the first time either. You have a story set up with frozen trophy girls, digital fantasy lands, mind control cat-ears (was loving Dark Honey), a grandfather commanding his granddaughter to protect their legacy (what's HE going to do to her now?), Ring Mistress doing her scheme with nobody bothering her...

So many "happens" but we never see it happen. We just jump ahead. We never see anyone really freed. We never see any threat actually arrive (not until the end). We just get an exposition dump as we jump around all these dangling plot-threads.
I certainly agree with you with the facts: A lot of cool concepts that were not given enough time to develop. We are informed about the facts instead of seeing them with our own eyes. A lot is left to imagination.

The point I want to make: it’s a necessary evil. MCtek only wanted to do 5 issues. He did 7, and even then didn’t managed to show all his ideas. I suppose the alternative would have been take the proper time to develop only one or two ideas. Then we loss the interesting concepts. There is no correct solution.
So, I think this is a lot like reading “Lord of the rings”. A lot of interesting concepts are left behind a rushed plot. This is the stuff fanfiction is made of.

Then you said:

and ESPECIALLY more from the cross-over women. After all, I let you use them expecting you to, you know, USE them, and I felt they were rather wasted. It's like being shown an all-you-can-eat buffet full of meaty options and you opted to have a little salad and nothing else.

And I must agree with you in this one: Kat Krusader and Emerald Tiger just appeared, without previous notice. I really could not enjoy their involvement in the story. I am no artists and I cannot pretend to comprehend one, but I think that you must be very disappointed characters you created (and I assume, you love) are treated this way. The only excuse I can think of is that given the little time available for an artist and great effort that a comic demands, is better to show something that nothing at all. I know I loved to see your characters, even when I didn’t enjoyed plenty because all the valid reason you have posted.

Of course, I respect your opinion, but I think that to assume that MCtek has lost interest in his own story is a little harsh. I think he is doing as good as he can to maintain his comic production.

And just a little question, did you recognize the villain at page 11 of Issue 7? It’s one of your characters?

Thanks for your attention.

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Re: Prized Displays

Postby lifmcs » November 30th, 2011, 5:05 am

Akonkid wrote:... After all, I let you use them expecting you to, you know, USE them, and I felt they were rather wasted.

While I agree with a number of your criticisms (and praises) I wanted to highlight this bit as perhaps inappropriate for a public forum. We are not privy to the full circumstances under which you gave MCtek temporary reign over your characters. Lacking that context, this statement will most likely lead nowhere productive. If you feel ... perturbed about how your characters specifically were (un)used, maybe have that out in a private exchange?

Here I am sounding all haughty like I moderate this place :police: (for want of more smiley options). Really I just hate conflict of all sorts, and comments that stray too far from constructive criticism make my innards perform unpleasant acrobatics.
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Re: Prized Displays

Postby Trishbot » November 30th, 2011, 12:39 pm

lifmcs wrote:While I agree with a number of your criticisms (and praises) I wanted to highlight this bit as perhaps inappropriate for a public forum. We are not privy to the full circumstances under which you gave MCtek temporary reign over your characters. Lacking that context, this statement will most likely lead nowhere productive. If you feel ... perturbed about how your characters specifically were (un)used, maybe have that out in a private exchange?

Here I am sounding all haughty like I moderate this place :police: (for want of more smiley options). Really I just hate conflict of all sorts, and comments that stray too far from constructive criticism make my innards perform unpleasant acrobatics.

Comic feedback on the forums has always been a difficult thing to balance, and both readers and artists use the forums and react to praise and criticism in many different ways.

On one hand, it is nice to hear nothing but praise and adoration in response to hard work, and nobody can accuse MC Tek of NOT working hard on his comics. He puts a lot of passion into every page and truly wishes to develop every character. I know I've been guilty of feeling upset and/or disappointed when I post what I feel was some of my better issues, only for nobody to respond at all to those issues. It made me go "obviously they didn't like it enough to comment on it or discuss it", but while that may not be the case, it's easy for your mind to play tricks on you like that.

On the OTHER hand, constructive criticism is an ESSENTIAL part of feedback, and I really, really encourage it for my stories. One of my art teachers once said that one piece of criticism is worth a hundred pieces of praise. Nobody's comic is perfect; all of us have problems in minor and major areas, ranging from art to plot to character writing.

Some of us just plain cannot translate the ideas in our heads, that make sense, to a comic page wholly intact. Sacrifices have to be made, unexpected changes may occur, and often real life gets in the way and some of us may be too proud to accept help or take a break to get our priorities in order. We love doing what we do.

More on topic, I won't state my "professional" opinion on whether Akonkid should've written Tek in private to bring up that particular case of criticism, but I understand his point and his frustration. I've lent my character Hypnotica to someone for a story that got started but never even posted here and I know how upsetting it is to watch your creation, that you do love and care about, be generously offered to someone else, expecting them to treat them with respect and to make the most of that gift, only to watch it squandered and/or misused.

That said, that's something that I feel is more emotional on a creator's side, and I agree, probably should've been sorted out prior to the post or at the very least reworded. Tek's got a lot of stories on his plate, a lot of big plans. For better or worse, his current stories with his current ideas and his current characters were "holding him back". While I may be one of those that wasn't ready to let go of the old stories and ideas in favor of new ones, that's no MY choice to make.

I think the sooner everyone can just accept a few abrupt endings as what they are, like them for what they are in the manner in which they were made, and move on, we can enjoy the sure-to-be-great stories Tek has on the horizon. It's always hard moving onto bigger, better things when you're still entrenched in stories, characters, and ideas from the past. I loved all those ideas too, and I did want more too, but oh well. C'est la vie. Let's give Tek some credit that he has something so good it'll make these petty complaints about past comics quickly get forgotten. From the teasers I've seen, it sure looks that way.
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Re: Prized Displays

Postby Northern Chill » November 30th, 2011, 12:56 pm

Before anyone starts wondering who the dastardedly evildoer was that borrowed Hypnotica, it was me...well, her and a few others. The story is scripted and someday it will hopefully be unveiled here at the site.

Other than that, great story...Prized Displays is done. Move along here...:D
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"What does this story need?...more Franbot!!!"
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Re: Prized Displays

Postby Tiji » January 17th, 2012, 12:36 am

Just wanted to chime in and say thank for bringing this to us, loved how the story went, however if I may just say I was alittle disappointed that HoneyDoll did not stay under control or just even stay evil. I was always a fan of good turning evil, and this case a lot has been done to her that I think perhaps at some point in the near future, that will be the case. Honeydoll will no longer withstand the temptation and submit willingly or unwillingly.

Also to add, loved her new costume, hope it makes a return at some point. Thank you again! :P
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