Character Conversation #3: MilkMaid

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On a scale of 0-5, with 5 being the best, how do you rate MilkMaid?

Total votes : 16

Character Conversation #3: MilkMaid

Postby Doctor Robo » January 15th, 2010, 11:06 pm

She may be made of metal and plastic, but when you're a near-exact copy of the most beautiful woman in Metrobay you're still bound to be sexy as hell. MilkMaid is the first of Gilbert Petto's "dolls" to roll off the assembly line, and now she's the subject of the third "Character Conversation" here at

So what is it about MilkMaid that pushes your buttons? Or does she leave a sour taste in your mouth? Let's hear it!

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Re: Character conversation #3: MilkMaid

Postby Trishbot » January 15th, 2010, 11:59 pm


MilkMaid is an interesting one.

The difficulties with her as a character is that she's pretty much devoid of any personality. I mean, when there's no difference between her and any other generic robot in Metrobay, it's hard to really care for her one way or the other. She's just... there. Doing what she's told. Makes me wonder why they bothered to "implant" her with characteristics from Warden Smith, Mayor Turner, Dani, and Ginger when there's hardly much difference or way of telling.

Two other little things, that are more inherent of her design, is she's technically the second copy of Ms. Metrobay and her hysterically massive mammaries. And the problem with copies is they tend to be inferior to the original. While MilkMaid has the benefit of being an android, when given the option, most folks would still prefer to hook up with Ms. Metrobay rather than her duplicate. As a silver medal, however, you could do far worse.

On the positives, she’s still a looker. Her dairy outfit is extremely cute and sexy, and I love how the baby-blue matches her glowing blue eyes. Having thrallium-equipped boobies is also a great touch and every scene of her just baring her chest and having girls go to town on her nipples makes me smile and has yet to get old.

Now for my little idea. Her being a duplicate has been put to marginally good use in “King of Hooter County” to catch the West Sisters off guard, but I’d love to see much more of that. They knew their sister too well and most were quick to see it wasn’t her. Sneaking MilkMaid around disguised as Kelly around others might prove more interesting…. And I think the real Kelly would looking totally hot in MilkMaid’s outfit. An identity crisis like that would be highly amusing and offer up some great naughty fun. Not saying you should go that route, but if you’re having a robot duplicate running amok, somebody’s bound to want to see it.

MilkMaid isn’t the strongest character, but she brings the fun with her. She’s easy on the eyes and fills the “robot minion” role Mechana vacated well enough. I wouldn’t mind more of her.
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Re: Character conversation #3: MilkMaid

Postby cvn88 » January 16th, 2010, 9:07 am

Trishbot wrote:
MilkMaid isn’t the strongest character, but she brings the fun with her. She’s easy on the eyes and fills the “robot minion” role Mechana vacated well enough. I wouldn’t mind more of her.

I agree. Every supervillain needs a good (and good looking) robot minion and with Milk Maid the Dairy King is much more of a threat than he could ever be on his own. The fact that his plans have been thwarted twice is more due to bad luck than anything failing on Milk Maid's part.

I don't see Milk Maid being able to carry a story on her own unless she gets the "Mechana Treatment" and gains a personality, so to speak, from whatever is going to be done to her now that she is in the hands of the Squad. (For what it's worth I hope that does not happen. It worked out beautifully with Mechana but having something similar happen to Milk Maid would be, well, merely a copy of the original situation no matter how well done.)

Overall, I see Milk Maid as an effective role player for R.O.P.E. and other bad guys.
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Re: Character conversation #3: MilkMaid

Postby Northern Chill » January 16th, 2010, 2:00 pm

Milk Maid is a good supporting character in the current scheme who could grow into a bigger role down the line (in the hands of Ted, it'll be interesting to see what happens...). I wouldn't mind seeing her and Hypnotica square off some day...face to face or is that breast to breast?...:)
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Re: Character conversation #3: MilkMaid

Postby Akonkid » January 16th, 2010, 4:19 pm

Oooh, MilkMaid, eh? She's a tricky one to break down.

MilkMaid is a great strong-arm sidekick to Dairy King. On his own, he's pretty much worthless. He's not that bright or resourceful, but having MilkMaid makes him formidable. I enjoy that fact that she's "just" a robot. It feels like there's no risk of her pulling a Pinocchio and springing to "life" like Mechana did. She's less a character and more of an object or weapon, which I feel is a great change of pace.

As a copy of Ms. Metrobay, I think she's also quite attractive. I think making Ms. Metrobay's massive chest EVEN BIGGER might've been a tad too much, but she's a robot and I can buy it. Her outfit is also cute in a sexualized Little Bo-Peep sort of way. I love her plastic-y looking skin and glowing blue eyes too.

Now for a few small issues I have with her; for starters, Ms. Metrobay knew the Dollmaker made MilkMaid and she was kinda pissed about that and vowed to return... she didn't because she got brainwashed in Europe somewhere. But she rescues her sisters and runs into MilkMaid AGAIN... and she obviously knows Gilbert Petto created her and she's now with criminals doing things to her sisters... I hope she doesn't forget Dollmaker let it all happen or her promise to return to visit him again (and he'd "better not have created any more of those things"... which he has, chiefly of Brown Sugar). Seems like a story thread to follow up on.

Also, as others mentioned, she's a robot without a personality. Can't really care about her or feel anything for her, but at the same time giving her a personality like Mechana would feel way too similar. So it's difficult to say what should be done with her. Maybe Mechana might be confused to see another android with similar origins (based off Kelly with brain-scans from others) and question her own humanity? Is she really "human" in the slightest bit if she's actually no different than MilkMaid? Also, it seemed like Marcy could communicate with MilkMaid, at least temporarily. I'm curious if MilkMaid, with at least some mental aspects of Dani, Ginger, Warden Smith, and Mayor Turner, has a "voice", even if it's a mechanical one. Nothing close to being human, but some smidgen of a spark that makes her mind different from just a normal CPU. Or maybe she is just a machine and nothing but an object.

Anyway, she's fun and harmless. I wouldn't call her a captivating character by any stretch of the imagination, but like a memorable weapon or prop she helps make others more interesting.

And I agree... Hypnotica vs. MilkMaid. Battle of the Hypno-hooters.
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Re: Character conversation #3: MilkMaid

Postby Doctor Robo » January 19th, 2010, 9:21 pm

MilkMaid has been a tough character to write, for exactly the reasons mentioned above. We have tried to not have her be simply a Mechana stand-in, and I hope we have succeeded so far. In fact, we plan on having a Mechana-MilkMaid meeting down the road, and I think it will be fun to see how each reacts to not being 'one of a kind' anymore.

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Re: Character conversation #3: MilkMaid

Postby Akonkid » January 20th, 2010, 12:48 pm

Doctor Robo wrote:MilkMaid has been a tough character to write, for exactly the reasons mentioned above. We have tried to not have her be simply a Mechana stand-in, and I hope we have succeeded so far. In fact, we plan on having a Mechana-MilkMaid meeting down the road, and I think it will be fun to see how each reacts to not being 'one of a kind' anymore.

- Doc

A Mechana-MilkMaid meeting sounds fantastic. I wonder, if the two them get it on, would there be sparks?
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Re: Character conversation #3: MilkMaid

Postby leto17 » January 21st, 2010, 1:04 pm

I actually like her alot. She's like the perfect sex doll, a great decoration, and effective minion on standby that one can always turn to if their plans to enslave others go awry. She's reliable and while one's plans my be foiled, you know you've always got her as backup to entertain you. If you can't get any others in your bed, you've always got her, and she's very, very nice. :)
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Re: Character conversation #3: MilkMaid

Postby Doctor Robo » January 24th, 2010, 8:53 am

It is interesting to me to look at the voting and see that she elicits a wide range of responses. Half of you like her to varying degrees, and half don't. Do you think that's a symptom of her status as a robot (and not a 'real' person), or is it something else that makes her so polarizing?

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Re: Character conversation #3: MilkMaid

Postby Trishbot » January 24th, 2010, 11:22 am

I think it's a combination of things. As others have mentioned, for better or worse, she is devoid of a true personality, which some don't really like and some really love.

My only minor issue is that she is, at least to me, just not a very important or critical character. If a villain like Belinda was taken out or a heroine like Solaria disappeared the stories would feel "emptier". But if MilkMaid disappeared, nothing major would really happen.

I guess what I'm waiting for with MilkMaid is her to do something really memorable. Sure, she shows off her boobs and girls lick her breasts... but we've seen other girls do that before. "Tasty Treats" and "King of Hooter County" felt more like side stories (more so than many other Grime City stories), but it looks like an interesting direction is ahead. For now she's simply middle-of-the-road for me. Not bad but not stellar.
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Re: Character Conversation #3: MilkMaid

Postby Akonkid » June 6th, 2010, 8:34 pm

It's interesting to see MilkMaid serving as sort of an on-going temptation for Ted. Her uncanny resemblance to Ms. Metrobay and her docile, subservient programming could very well serve as a catalyst to drive Ted to some dark(er) actions or cause a relapse. Giving MilkMaid to him is like dangling a big, juicy burger in front of someone on a diet, so it'll be interesting to see how much willpower he's got.
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Re: Character Conversation #3: MilkMaid

Postby Tecknophyle » June 7th, 2010, 11:54 am

Akonkid wrote:It's interesting to see MilkMaid serving as sort of an on-going temptation for Ted. Her uncanny resemblance to Ms. Metrobay and her docile, subservient programming could very well serve as a catalyst to drive Ted to some dark(er) actions or cause a relapse. Giving MilkMaid to him is like dangling a big, juicy burger in front of someone on a diet, so it'll be interesting to see how much willpower he's got.

Actually, from what it appears she's serving as a convenient tool for demonstrating he is trying to do the right thing: the fact that he couldn't get it on with her, despite her "willingness" (whatever that means to a low-level AI) because she had the face of someone he'd come to respect is interesting. It's the exact opposite of what you'd expect would happen, giving into the temptation of, basically, a glorified blow-up doll who looks like someone you'd want to have sex with but can't.

I don't know if the writers are doing it intentionally, but Ted Twiss is becoming a rather heroic figure in his own right. I know that given the stories hereabouts having him go bad would be an easy thing to ask for and do, but quite honestly there are already enough characters running around with the skills, technology, and morality to fill the fetish needs of the readers. Having someone who's concluded that he really screwed up and has accepted it and wants to do better is a much more interesting character.

And if Marcie starts going bad, he's got his own nemesis right there.
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Re: Character Conversation #3: MilkMaid

Postby Akonkid » April 20th, 2011, 11:59 am

MilkMaid continues to be a rather unorthodox background threat, one entirely without malicious intent but one who is slowly manipulating and controlling others behind the scenes. First Crissy, then Ms. Metrobay, then Trudy. Her single-minded devotion to making Ted's forbidden fantasies come true makes her both ruthless and far more interesting than I first gave her credit for.

She acting more and more rational, more intelligent, and dare I say more human. I still wonder if her being in Crissy's human body with her human mind and emotions hasn't left a subtle imprint on her programming where she, to a degree, understands things such as human desires and sexual satisfaction, and perhaps is even deriving a bit of that herself from obeying commands given to her or fulfilling her master's wanton desires.

Anyway, she's certainly changing in the status quo, in smaller, more subtle ways.
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Re: Character Conversation #3: MilkMaid

Postby Doctor Robo » April 20th, 2011, 8:33 pm

Akonkid wrote:MilkMaid continues to be a rather unorthodox background threat, one entirely without malicious intent but one who is slowly manipulating and controlling others behind the scenes. First Crissy, then Ms. Metrobay, then Trudy. Her single-minded devotion to making Ted's forbidden fantasies come true makes her both ruthless and far more interesting than I first gave her credit for.

She acting more and more rational, more intelligent, and dare I say more human. I still wonder if her being in Crissy's human body with her human mind and emotions hasn't left a subtle imprint on her programming where she, to a degree, understands things such as human desires and sexual satisfaction, and perhaps is even deriving a bit of that herself from obeying commands given to her or fulfilling her master's wanton desires.

Anyway, she's certainly changing in the status quo, in smaller, more subtle ways.

Hi Akonkid. That's very kind of you to say. I took the comments above to heart over the last few months, and have tried to develop MilkMaid/Lisa as a more complete character and less of a typical robot minion. She's one of my favorite characters to write because she has many of the physical charms of Ms. Metrobay, but has her own story to tell and I can use her to explore the MC and ASFR fantasies in a unique way.

I have other plans for Lisa down the road, but I realize not everyone loves her and wants to see her all the time. I do, however, want to reunite her with her creator Gilbert at some point, and perhaps even give her some time with Marcy, Mechana, and other similarly-themed individuals.

Thanks for the comments!

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