The Drone Agenda: Convert Another

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The Drone Agenda: Convert Another

Postby Trishbot » June 1st, 2011, 10:49 pm

From the pages of, Doctor Robo and Trishbot proudly present “The Drone Agenda: Convert Another” chapter one!

For the first time in a writer/artist collaboration, Doctor Robo and Trishbot have joined forces to bring you the first in a series of short stories known as “The Drone Agenda”! Over the course of the coming months this series will span across much of the Metrobay Universe, and combine the storytelling skills of each of our talented writers and artists.

In “Convert Another”, sexy schoolteacher Raquel Summers comes home after a long day of classes, wanting nothing more than to rest her pretty head and get a good night’s sleep. But a mysterious voice has other plans, and when it bids her to rise she has no choice but to obey. Now that the voice has control of her every movement, only one thought runs through her head… “Convert Another”. But who will be first on her hit list? Perhaps her very own daughter…?

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Re: The Drone Agenda: Convert Another

Postby bluemax2 » June 2nd, 2011, 8:40 am

Trishbot and Doc:
Two of my favorite characters get converted and the third fave is coming up.
Very nice start to what I hope is a long and involved story.
Trishbot, your artwork is very accomplished and you have your own style as well. Thanks for sticking with it and now all of us are the beneficiaries.
I look forward to upcoming episodes (soon I hope).
The greybotization of Metrobay's women is near and dear to mine and many of us fans' hearts. Can't wait to see who else has it coming and who is the dastardly villian behind this latest campaign.
Keep up the great work.
thank you both.

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Re: The Drone Agenda: Convert Another

Postby dumbtime » June 2nd, 2011, 9:15 pm

Outstanding update!! I see that the greybots are going to utilized a lot in the future. The update also answered a question i've had in my head for a quite some time now, 'what kind of adverse long term effect could the Sentius ray have had on all those woman?' My other questions about it were how far a spread did the ray have an effect and did it go outside the realm of Metrobay? Maybe those question will be answered some day.
I like the premise of this update. Convert another seems to be the goal and what is a wonderful goal it is. Seeing the mother/daughter enslavement did wonders for my fascination. :) Now I can't wait to see what's in store for sweet big-breasted Liz, yuummmmmy!

Wonderful job guys and it's good to see Trishbot rendering and do a fine job at it. I'm jealous :D
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Re: The Drone Agenda: Convert Another

Postby dumbtime » June 3rd, 2011, 11:14 am

I also have to add that I have a perverted preference for MILFs. Watching Rachel walk in on Patty and take her down before she had a chance to even react to her mom being in her room, that was completely awesome in my book. She didn't get a chance to explain what she was doing while she was 'helping' herself. It was that quick and totally mind-zapping. :D
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Re: The Drone Agenda: Convert Another

Postby Hector2 » June 4th, 2011, 10:59 pm

Hi Trishbot

The art is superb, and the writing is good, the pace is agile, but the really important thing is the "mistery" villain...

Could this be the return of... (dramatic pause) SENTIUS!!!! (scare chord).

I will wait to see, thanks!

PD If he is not the villain is OK, I only wanted to mention it because if he is, I mentioned here in the forum.

Thanks again

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Re: The Drone Agenda: Convert Another

Postby Northern Chill » June 5th, 2011, 5:48 pm

I enjoyed the opening part of this story quite a bit in many ways...great art and the manner in which the two women were converted in similiar yet different ways.

Looking forward to the next installment!
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Re: The Drone Agenda: Convert Another

Postby Trishbot » June 30th, 2011, 2:18 pm

Hey everybody! Doc Robo and Trishbot here with a new update of "Convert Another" to further our grand robo-centric agenda!

With both mother and daughter of the Summers family assimilated by their mysterious controller, the mindless robounits begin to execute the single, driving command being broadcast into their heads: convert another. And who should be their next vulnerable target but Liz Trance! As the beautiful Brit slumbers peacefully in her bed, her two unexpected visitors begin to make their preparations to have her join their ranks! Will Liz awaken in time to flee her assailants, or will she become just another victim of their emotionless assimilation? Find out in "Convert Another" Chapter 2, only at MCComix!

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Re: The Drone Agenda: Convert Another

Postby lordsomno » June 30th, 2011, 7:38 pm

Great update! Liz Trance looks so good with that blank expression on her face. I am glad she is leaving her house nude. I am curious as to how many more women after her will be converted and what the ultimate plan of their controller is.
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Re: The Drone Agenda: Convert Another

Postby MacroLass » July 1st, 2011, 6:13 am

I'm wondering how they got that honking huge conversion unit in the Summers' home without anyone remembering.....

"Oh, this old thing? I picked it up at the H.E.R. Station garage sale, I'm going to turn it into a darling little planter for the breakfast nook...."

"Mom, that piece of junk's been in the basement for over a year now. Can we at least move it to the garage? I need space for my cross X-frame and milking machine...." :lol:

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Re: The Drone Agenda: Convert Another

Postby bluemax2 » July 1st, 2011, 1:07 pm

Doc and Trish:
Love it love it.
Great job.
Looking forward to the next episode to see Liz in grey.
I wonder who's behind this nefarious plan.....?
Take as long as you need to get there.
In the meantime the more greaybots, the merrier.


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Re: The Drone Agenda: Convert Another

Postby Doctor Robo » July 2nd, 2011, 12:01 pm

Hi everyone. Thank you very much for the comments! It has been a pleasure working with such a talented artist as Trishbot. She has already proven her exceptional skill with creating many of the cool effects you see in these stories, and now she has branched out to illustrate the characters and scenes as well. I'm really having a good time working with her on this story, and I'm glad to see that you all enjoy reading it!

Please keep your comments and questions coming, and we'll try to answer them as best we can. Thanks again!

- Doc
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Re: The Drone Agenda: Convert Another

Postby Hector2 » July 11th, 2011, 11:00 pm

Hi there Trishbot and Dr. Robo!

Macrolass is right! How did that huge piece of machinery could not be seen by Rachel and Patricia?

Oh well, the important thing is that in the... conversion of Liz Trance, our two drones have worked again like in the epic Night of the Drones, an epic of epic epicness mind control... ness?

I loved how they awaken Liz, and how they use the HER Ray... I really think this gives away who the villain is, so the only way to avoid this is to have another villain using his technology...

Everything could be

Oh, and Trishbot... your artwork is getting better and better.


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Re: The Drone Agenda: Convert Another

Postby Doctor Robo » July 16th, 2011, 7:07 pm

Hector2 wrote:Macrolass is right! How did that huge piece of machinery could not be seen by Rachel and Patricia?

I don't think I'm spoiling anything by answering this. Raquel and Patricia built the machine down in their basement. Say what? It's true. The subliminal programming told them to do it in a trance-like state, and they have no memory of doing so. They also have a pre-programmed mental block about its existence. Even if they go into the basement, they won't think twice about the machine being there. Its presence will be no more alarming to them than their washing machine or hot water heater.

We can probably do a better job or articulating this plot point. We'll see if we can clear that up in a future chapter.

Thanks MacroLass and Hector for the question!

- Doc
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Re: The Drone Agenda: Convert Another

Postby bluemax2 » July 18th, 2011, 1:03 pm

Doc and Trish:
Love the story and the art but August 7th?
Can't we see it sooner?
How bout some teaser art?
This story is going very nicely.
I do hope we have more greybots after Liz gets it.


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Re: The Drone Agenda: Convert Another

Postby MacroLass » July 20th, 2011, 1:40 pm

Doctor Robo wrote:I don't think I'm spoiling anything by answering this. Raquel and Patricia built the machine down in their basement. Say what? It's true. The subliminal programming told them to do it in a trance-like state, and they have no memory of doing so. They also have a pre-programmed mental block about its existence. Even if they go into the basement, they won't think twice about the machine being there. Its presence will be no more alarming to them than their washing machine or hot water heater.


I like my explanation better. :lol:

But okay, I can dig it. My next question would be where are they getting the parts?

"Welcome to Radio Shack? May I help you?"

"Gree.tings mer.chant. I have come to the parts." <opens mouth and list prints out. Gives it to man at the counter.>

"Washing macine still on the fritz, Ms. Summers? Must be why yer going around without any clothes on. Well, I've got most of this in stock but the thrallium silcone implants are on back order. Mr. Petto cleaned me out of my last one. Did you want me to order you one?"

"That will"

"Cash or charge?"

Okay, I'm just picking nits now. Keep it comin'. ;)
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