Queen's Reign: Posts & Discussion

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Re: Queen's Reign: Posts & Discussion

Postby Champ » September 8th, 2013, 5:59 am

That definitely...was weird. But I loved it. That Doctor definitely got screwed in the deal, both ways. Now the conflict gets juicy with Angela vs the Doctor's drone. :)
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Re: Queen's Reign: Posts & Discussion

Postby RhythmCipher » September 8th, 2013, 7:34 am

Oh dear, the milk has really been spilled now. And I for one, am glad to see the Doctor lay in the bed he made. ;) I always like seeing villains get their due, poetically. Maybe when everything is done, we could get an extra render of all the Cassies together? >.> I'll see about getting you an intern to get it done.
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Re: Queen's Reign: Posts & Discussion

Postby FirstBorn » September 8th, 2013, 10:36 am

Champ wrote:That definitely...was weird. But I loved it. That Doctor definitely got screwed in the deal, both ways. Now the conflict gets juicy with Angela vs the Doctor's drone. :)

-- Weird. Yes. Well, I did warn you didn't I? :) But I'm glad you liked it. I hope this chapter answered a few of your questions, while creating a few others. I'll tel you here I'm not going to explain *every* thread. But you can expect a few more answers before the story comes to a close. Bad guys do love to monolog, or so I hear.

RhythmCipher wrote: Maybe when everything is done, we could get an extra render of all the Cassies together? >.> I'll see about getting you an intern to get it done.

-- Trying to think of what that posting would look like...

"Wanted: Budding poser artist willing to invest in an expensive program in order to make fan requests of an erotic comic while the main artist focus's on content. Latent Mind-Control/Robotization fetish a plus. Due to content involved, applicants must be over 18. And willing to work for free."

-- Hmm... I think the pool of applicants for that would be rather small. But I'm willing to bet you're in the right place for it. ;) You screen them first and I'll go over the top selections. ./wink

Of course- if anyone wanted to do some "fan-pics" of the story I'd be happy to host them in the "Free Zone" for the world to appreciate. I believe Trishbot had something like that set up for her Metrobay stuff before the exodus.
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Re: Queen's Reign: Posts & Discussion

Postby Champ » September 8th, 2013, 12:39 pm

Angela ought to take off a few million lightyears and escape. :) But, she's the heroine so she'll make a good fight...somehow? Maybe bust the doctor in the face with her blaster. :)
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Re: Queen's Reign: Posts & Discussion

Postby FirstBorn » September 8th, 2013, 4:34 pm

Champ wrote:Angela ought to take off a few million lightyears and escape. :) But, she's the heroine so she'll make a good fight...somehow? Maybe bust the doctor in the face with her blaster. :)

-- I had thought to have her do that, but I didn't want to have to add 4 panels of her taking down the Commander and the Alien in the room to get to him. More butt-kicking, but wouldn't have added much to the story.

As for the running? Where you gonna hide from a black very of the "grey-goo"? You might run far enough to not see it arrive during your lifetime. But that's the thing about the Grey Goo- it just grows- and grows- and grows. If *somebody* doesn't find a way to stop it- its only a matter of time.
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Re: Queen's Reign: Posts & Discussion

Postby Champ » September 8th, 2013, 7:15 pm

Excellent points. I guess the real endgame is Angela with her blaster, standing face to face with the queen. Until the next chapter is released, I can only imagine the fight. :)
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Re: Queen's Reign: Posts & Discussion

Postby kryton73 » October 2nd, 2013, 6:30 pm

I hope that we get to see the next cover really soon! With the last episode setting up more of the story, I hope that this month's comic will get back to more transformative action. Could we be getting close to the conclusion? Will Angela finally get to meet the Queen? Or has she known her all along ;)
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Re: Queen's Reign: Posts & Discussion

Postby FirstBorn » October 3rd, 2013, 10:50 am

kryton73 wrote:I hope that we get to see the next cover really soon! With the last episode setting up more of the story, I hope that this month's comic will get back to more transformative action. Could we be getting close to the conclusion? Will Angela finally get to meet the Queen? Or has she known her all along ;)

-- Ask and you shall receive. The cover for the next chapter- due out in just a few days has just gone live.

As to your questions- you'll have to wait and see (although just a few days, it would seem). I'm feeling generous so I think I may even answer one of them...

Yes, we are getting close to the conclusion. ;)

The rest were good questions too though. <evil grin>

And as for your comment from earlier, Champ... that particular grudge match is coming soon to a roof near you!
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Re: Queen's Reign: Posts & Discussion

Postby Champ » October 4th, 2013, 4:10 pm

Don't start teasing, FB. :) I'm ready for tomorrow to be here already. A month to wait is crazy. Its wild that I've been all over this comic since the beginning. XD Loving it :)
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Re: Queen's Reign: Posts & Discussion

Postby FirstBorn » October 4th, 2013, 7:41 pm

Champ wrote:Don't start teasing, FB. :) I'm ready for tomorrow to be here already. A month to wait is crazy. Its wild that I've been all over this comic since the beginning. XD Loving it :)

-- Tomorrow will be here soon enough. /wink We're getting so close... but I can't move in TOO fast or the last chapter will be filled with nothing but monolog... and that's no fun.

Thanks for sticking with it Champ- I would love to post more often than once a month but RL doesn't give me the time to devote to it and still put out the quality story I want to tell.

I agree tho... it does seem to make it take *FOREVER*.
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Re: Queen's Reign: Posts & Discussion

Postby FirstBorn » October 5th, 2013, 8:40 am

Once again I am proud to present Chapter 22 of The Queen's Reign!

Click HERE to Begin!

Angela has come face to face with what turns out to be a *very* talkative member of the Queen's Collective. She wants answers and she wants them now! What happened to the crew at Beta Station? Why was the drone there, and what was her mission? Unfortunately it doesn't seem like the captive is interested in divulging any direct answers. Ah! But perhaps there is another source she could squeeze for a bit of intel- one only recently liberated from an otherwise uncomfortable position of his own. So- try and strong arm a rather autonomous Drone, or sweet talk the womanizing megalomaniacal Doctor? Decisions, decisions... Better think fast, Angela. The Queen... is almost here. Find out what happens next in the latest episode of The Queen's Reign. And so the end... continues.

kryton73 wrote:I hope that this month's comic will get back to more transformative action.

-- How did you know Kryton?

Oh- and... uhm.... how about a teaser for the NEXT chapter. Wanna see?

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Re: Queen's Reign: Posts & Discussion

Postby Champ » October 5th, 2013, 2:06 pm

Oh that chapter totally brought justice down on that doctor! About time he got it. XD. Now, FB...how can you tease with the next chapter on the same day! XDDD! The Queen looks fantastic, if that's really her true form. I'm excited for next month.
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Re: Queen's Reign: Posts & Discussion

Postby FirstBorn » October 5th, 2013, 4:12 pm

Champ wrote:Oh that chapter totally brought justice down on that doctor! About time he got it. XD. Now, FB...how can you tease with the next chapter on the same day! XDDD! The Queen looks fantastic, if that's really her true form. I'm excited for next month.

-Thanks Champ. I know it's a big tease but I've been really looking forward to her reveal for a while now.

As for the good Doctor getting his comeuppance- well, is it really fair to hold his behavior against him if he was being slowly screwed with by the Drone the whole time? He's just another victim of the Queen's Machinations. Okay, yeah. He's an ass.
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Re: Queen's Reign: Posts & Discussion

Postby Reinhardt » October 9th, 2013, 2:02 pm

Now when it's getting closer to the end, one can look back to the previous issues and try to come up with some theories.

I still don't know what the cocoons/pods mean, or who it is who is standing next to them, but we'll probably find out.

Also, when the doctor and Lt. has been transformed, who does the pair of eyes to the left of the picture belong to?

If it is too difficult to add all the information in the form of images, maybe a couple of pages before or after the images could add some valuable info?

It seems clear that Angela is already infested. The dark hand behind her early in the story, her constant luck, her new sexual preferences like girls, being dominant, or getting aroused by transformations, her new way to express herself, her visions and so on. The nannites are in her blood, and has to some degree modified her, but is holding back for the right moment, whatever that is. The drone could also easily have converted her through her phone implant or let her slaves ambush her, so it seems like she is just doing what she is being manipulated to do. She has come this far because the Queen has allowed it.

I don't completely understand the partly transformation process, like the couple where the wife willingly joins the collective. Why don't they become completely drones? As it's said in the story; once you go black, there is no going back. But before so happens, it seems that it actually is a way to go back. Also their talk bubbles are not totally black either. I'm not so much into mind control or replacement, so I find the idea of minds being heavily and permanently altered in some way, and/or being assimilated into something bigger, while still keeping a part of their old self in there somewhere who does not want to go back even if given the chance, is a lot more interesting.

If this story happened for real instead of being just imagination, most people would of course run and hide, attack and defend themselves, but there would always be a few who would be transformed by their own will. Probably most males, but also some females. If the story had been longer, it would have been great to meet some of these perverted females who finally made their decision.

The part with the drone nurse letting the wife get into a drone's head and hear what it felt like was interesting. I wouldn't mind hearing some more about it later, for instance when Angela meets her mother who will possibly try to make her join willingly.

You wrote somewhere: "I currently plan to have two "alternate endings" for this story and to let the readers decide which one they like best."

Three endings then, one official and two alternate, or just two? If the ending(s) allows it, is it also possible to see a short epilogue?

The drone said the Queen needed the doctor to reprogram the nannites. But as we see in the Haywire Origin, the Queen's intellect is far superior to a human. She could have done so herself, but I'm guessing that since she is made up of the same nannites as well, their programming prevents her from modifying them. Which makes sense. If they could reprogram themselves just like that, either individually or collectively in the form of a queen or drone, all kind of bad stuff could happen. So she needed to do it indirectly by manipulating the doctor. And it looks like she is manipulating Angela for the same reason, making her do what she can't do herself yet, even if I can't guess what it is. Neither Angela or the doctor would have done what they have done if they hadn't believed they were acting on their own free will, so it has been important to keep them in the assumption that they are the ones who are pulling their own strings. At least that's my theory. The doctor's driving force was the desire to become the king of the whole galaxy, while Angela's driving force is to save it all from the Queen. But desire to be transformed herself (or at least seeing others be transformed) is a seed that has been planted inside her, as seen in the previous chapters. But if it is a drone or a queen she secretly wish to be, remains to be seen.

And, by judging the way the doctor changed the black goo into some silvery grey goo, could it be that we will see the Queen and the drones transform from black latex into shining metal, maybe with a more robotic appearance?

If taking away the most graphic stuff, I think this story could translate well into a movie if given a little budget. With the right computer, the effects could be relatively cheap, since most of the transformation is just about rendering, and the drones still look like ordinary humans. It would have been a lot more difficult had they had some alien anatomy to them. And if not a live action movie, possibly some CGI adult anime.
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Re: Queen's Reign: Posts & Discussion

Postby FirstBorn » October 9th, 2013, 4:35 pm

Reinhardt wrote:Now when it's getting closer to the end, one can look back to the previous issues and try to come up with some theories.

-- Okay, first off... **bows to you** Wow. Uhm. Thanks. A lot. Seriously. I had to read this three times to get over the warm fuzzies I got from seeing how much energy and interest my story has been able to create in a reader. And it means a lot- I'm sure the same would be true for all of the authors here at McComix.

Now that the thank you's are out of the way... I'll see what I can do to answer questions where I can w/o dropping spoilers or giving everything away. I have a certain concept in mind, certainly- but I don't want to give you the almanac of my world as that would limit the imagination of the readers and their ability to do exactly as you have done: hypothesis as to what's *really* going on.

Reinhardt wrote:I still don't know what the cocoons/pods mean, or who it is who is standing next to them, but we'll probably find out.
Also, when the doctor and Lt. has been transformed, who does the pair of eyes to the left of the picture belong to?

-- The person standing next to the pods, in the arms of "Nurse Ratchet" a few chapters back- was Taylor. Or, at least it was a Taylor wearing the same thing Taylor was wearing when she was captured- and with the same black face veins. And, in case it wasn't obvious from the renders- the things **inside** the pods? Those were Taylor too. Take a close look at the face of the Taylor that was the main focus of that chapter. Notice anything missing?

Reinhardt wrote:If it is too difficult to add all the information in the form of images, maybe a couple of pages before or after the images could add some valuable info?

-- I wrestled with this... As an creative writing design decision when I first started the story I wanted to avoid the use of the "Narration Bubble" as much as possible- especially once the story had been established. I've spoken before about the "voice" I've been trying to stay true to with how the story follows the camera. I'll admit- the closer I get to the end the more I've had to fudge that rule. I don't know if anyone but me would have noticed, but its there. Why? Too much insight into the character's motivations, especially beyond Angela's- would give away way to much.

Reinhardt wrote:She has come this far because the Queen has allowed it.

-- The drone implies as much in the last chapter, yes. "A mouse. Who doesn't know she's already trapped." But don't discount the mouse. Rodents are pretty smart for their size and sometimes, just sometimes they do something *completely* unexpected.

Reinhardt wrote:I don't completely understand the partly transformation process, like the couple where the wife willingly joins the collective. Why don't they become completely drones? As it's said in the story; once you go black, there is no going back. But before so happens, it seems that it actually is a way to go back. Also their talk bubbles are not totally black either.

-- This has been established in the story so far- or so I would like to believe. The vein face is a "partial" assimilation- with the focus FIRST on the mind, instead of the body. While the Queen could conceivably leave someone in that state for an extended period of time (*ahem*) most of those that spend any time in that state would eventually finish their full assimilation (Like the Alien Bridge Officer in the first chapter or 2).

Reinhardt wrote:If this story happened for real instead of being just imagination, most people would of course run and hide, attack and defend themselves, but there would always be a few who would be transformed by their own will. Probably most males, but also some females. If the story had been longer, it would have been great to meet some of these perverted females who finally made their decision.

-- This last chapter gave some *hint* of those, although it's cheating since the only reason those two were *asking* to be assimilated was because they had both already been altered mentally by the drones "little trick".

Your request to see more of the others in that world would be interesting, yes... but the story is already large enough as it is- and the only way I could think of telling it in the first place was to *severely* limit the scope.

Reinhardt wrote:If taking away the most graphic stuff, I think this story could translate well into a movie if given a little budget. With the right computer, the effects could be relatively cheap, since most of the transformation is just about rendering, and the drones still look like ordinary humans. It would have been a lot more difficult had they had some alien anatomy to them. And if not a live action movie, possibly some CGI adult anime.

-- And thanks again. While that would be **Amazing** if it happened- I don't see how. But I'm truly flattered you would think so.

Reinhardt wrote:You wrote somewhere: "I currently plan to have two "alternate endings" for this story and to let the readers decide which one they like best."
Three endings then, one official and two alternate, or just two? If the ending(s) allows it, is it also possible to see a short epilogue?

-- I'm not 100% sure about this. I haven't finished rendering it all yet. I can see what I can do about giving a more textual "epilogue" describing what I see as the "future" for any given ending I suppose. I'll take that under advisement.

Reinhardt wrote:The part with the drone nurse letting the wife get into a drone's head and hear what it felt like was interesting. I wouldn't mind hearing some more about it later, for instance when Angela meets her mother who will possibly try to make her join willingly.

-- No comment.

Reinhardt wrote:And, by judging the way the doctor changed the black goo into some silvery grey goo, could it be that we will see the Queen and the drones transform from black latex into shining metal, maybe with a more robotic appearance?

-- No comment... in fact- I better "not comment" on... pretty much everything else.

Thanks again Reinhardt. That was a very well written comment and I appreciate all the time and energy you put into it! It means a lot.
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