Some Help needed

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Some Help needed

Postby mitru » February 9th, 2013, 4:03 am

Hello to all,

First at all, this post is addressed to MCcomix writers and storytellers collaborators mainly.

I've received recently some reasonable "criticism" about the grammar quality of my comic stories texts. I'm the first one in admitt that' it's my weakest point as non english speaker. As comic creator I try to offer a good quailty work for our readers and subscribers and I'm asking for some help to edit my work here.
The Green Ice series are not a problem, Hector as its creator is going to do a proof reading from now on. But if some mercyful soul would help me with the rest of the comic series I'm going to pulish here, It'll be much appreciated.

I'm not a wealth or rich man, but I'm sure that we can make an arrangement, even I would be willing to do some collaboration for free with that people... he would earn everything from that serie.

I'm trying to edit all my work and publish a better overall quality products here.

If anyone is interested, he can contact me here or sending me a message to:

Thanks very much
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Re: Some Help needed

Postby Northern Chill » February 10th, 2013, 10:15 am


If you can put your dialog/narrative into a txt or html form and email it my way, I'll be willing to try and clean it up...I've done it for others in the past (even though a few ignored my help completely) and concentrate mainly on grammar.

PM me if you're cool with that idea,

Northern Chill
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Re: Some Help needed

Postby mitru » February 10th, 2013, 4:40 pm

Thanks very much for your offer Northern Chill, it's much appreciated.

But I had been contacted by Macrolass and he's going to help while I do the artwork for him.

It doesn't mean that we can't work together in the future cause what I really enjoy is the artistic side rather than narrative one.
To be in charge of the drawings only allow me to do a better artwork.
My most enjoyable series is which I'm doing in collaboration with Max Hass on Hipcomix, each chapter is a new adventure.

I wasn't subscribed here until l joined MCcomix ranks recently but I'm impressed by the overall quality of the stories posted here.

I'm sure that everyone here misses Doc and Finister, I'm the first one who is a great fan of both of them but I think that we can still a great stuff here.

Thanks very much and remember that my door is ever open.
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Re: Some Help needed

Postby dumbtime » February 10th, 2013, 9:52 pm

Just to make sure you know, MacroLass is a she. ;)
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Re: Some Help needed

Postby MacroLass » February 10th, 2013, 11:48 pm

Thanks but several languages have a problem with gender so I'd chalked it up to that. Besides, it doesn't bode well to be nitpicking on potential partners right at the start... :lol:
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Re: Some Help needed

Postby mitru » February 11th, 2013, 10:03 am


What a week! I'm going through a really bad mistake patch LOL! ;)

Excuse me Lady! or as we say here... Mil perdones Señorita! (/KISS on hand)

PS. Spanish language has gender in almost everything, subjects, adjetives... so the error is even worst :?
The way goes in both directions so if you need some expression transalted to spanish tell to me, that easier for me.
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Re: Some Help needed

Postby Mr. Cryptic » February 11th, 2013, 10:11 am

I'd be happy to assist with editing if you still need help.
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Re: Some Help needed

Postby MacroLass » February 13th, 2013, 1:57 pm

<rubor> No problema todo bueno. Or as we say's all good.

Sometimes though the avatar on the side of the message is female you can't really trust that it's a woman on the other side...

Right now the languages I'm worried about most are german and romani (gypsy). But I'll keep your offer in mind, thanks.
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Re: Some Help needed

Postby mitru » February 13th, 2013, 5:24 pm

If you need some info about romanian story I could help you. I game mastered a long roleplaying camping setting there: The transylvanian Chronicles for Vampire Dark Ages. I read a lot of info about its history, from its middle age cities known as the Sieben Burgen, its dinasties like Basarab, Danesti and Draculesti or its pagan miths and religiones like Kupala, Bielobog and Skalabog cults.
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Re: Some Help needed

Postby MacroLass » February 13th, 2013, 5:50 pm

While that is cool, I'm thinking more of the LANGUAGE of the romany, the gypsies.
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