"Forbidden Fantasy" - A Grime City Story

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Re: "Forbidden Fantasy" - A Grime City Story

Postby madcap » January 17th, 2011, 10:38 pm

Things are definitely getting interesting as we're getting ever closer to the end of this story. Doc, if I'm not mistaken there are two more issues to go, correct? Or is it only one?

I have to admit though that I agree about being a little disappointed by VG's slave costume. I was hoping that Belinda would have had something a little more "special" in store for VG rather than the standard slave-guard outfit. Fin, your renders are amazing as always, so it's not that at all...it's just that it seemed like Belinda would have come up with something more, I don't know, humiliating or degrading perhaps?, for such a hated foe. But seeing her forced to worship Belinda's ass was insanely hot! (Good to see Belinda back in her classic outfit too).

LOVED seeing the three gray robot women in the Apex facility. Anytime they show up, even standing mindlessly in the background of a panel, is a very welcome thing.

The next issue FINALLY looks like it has what I've been waiting for all along, and I can't wait to see how Chrissy's wish fulfilment turns out! It's been a long time coming, but I certainly don't regret the long, drawn-out telling of this tale. I just hope that Chrissy's fate is unique in some way, and I hope that it makes the old "be careful what you wish for" warning ring true on some level (i.e. perhaps she'll be forced to do something she never would have approved of, even though after she crossed the line with getting Kristen enslaved there doesn't seem to be much she won't do to fulfil her desires at this point...but that's just how deep this stuff has gotten into her head!).

This has been building up for a long time, so I really hope that this results in a permanent or at least long-term change for the character. Doc, I know in the past you've said you effectively have to hit the "reset" button after the mass-enslavement stories because you'd then run out of characters and any potential for future conflict (which only makes sense), but the number of actual superheroine characters who have undergone permanent change have been very, very few. This story is a bit different because it's another epic, but instead of one villain creating a massive stable of slaves it's about one character's journey to get what she's desired ever since the first seed of control was planted within her. To pull out some kind of deus ex machina resetting of the status quo with Chrissy at this point would render this entire long story rather pointless. So I expect with Chrissy it's going to be the real deal. I hope her fate is extreme, unique, and awesome (something a little different from the gray roboslaves, which I love...but this is special). Finn, I don't know what kind of design you have cooked up for Robo-Chrissy, but I can't wait to see it!

Though if Chrissy does become a robot slave to Belinda and stays that way, this begs an interesting question...she already has subconscious programming implanted by Gothikka, so one wonders what might happen when Gothikka should next awaken from her slumber and these two controlling influences are at odds with each other in Chrissy's mind. Would the robot programming cancel out Gothikka's magic? Or would Gothikka's magic prove stronger? Or will there be some kind of unexpected and unpredictable result? Maybe she'll become a hybrid goth-bot! :P Interesting to speculate on in any event, and I hope that you guys plan to take this into consideration.

Anyway, Doc, Fin and Trish...excellent work on this story! I've enjoyed the ride immensely thus far and I am eagerly awaiting the fate of Chrissy next chapter!!
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Re: "Forbidden Fantasy" - A Grime City Story

Postby dumbtime » January 17th, 2011, 10:49 pm

madcap wrote:Though if Chrissy does become a robot slave to Belinda and stays that way, this begs an interesting question...she already has subconscious programming implanted by Gothikka, so one wonders what might happen when Gothikka should next awaken from her slumber and these two controlling influences are at odds with each other in Chrissy's mind. Would the robot programming cancel out Gothikka's magic? Or would Gothikka's magic prove stronger? Or will there be some kind of unexpected and unpredictable result? Maybe she'll become a hybrid goth-bot! :P Interesting to speculate on in any event, and I hope that you guys plan to take this into consideration.

I hope that Belinda completely wipes any and all personality of the Crissy Tanner that we know of today and makes her a mindless 'robot' person. This could be done inorder for the other personality to make its self present and known when the time comes. I would even dare to think that when Gothikka comes back there won't be any conflict with Gothikka's magic because there won't be anything there to conflict with. (crosses fingers) Read my post in Crissy's poll thread to get my true feelings on the matter.
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Re: "Forbidden Fantasy" - A Grime City Story

Postby Doctor Robo » January 18th, 2011, 2:45 pm

First of all, let me start by saying thanks for all of your great comments about our comics. Please keep them coming, and I will do my best to answer them.

Now, a few clarifications/answers of previous posts:

1) I did a lot of thinking before assigning a 'guard' uniform to Valient Grrl. In the end I decided that storyline-wise it would make the most sense to dress her up in this way. Belinda and Marcia are trying to keep Belinda's little cartel a secret. One way to do this is to have the enslaved superheroines, who all operate under secret identities, utilize their civilian names and come to work at The Funhouse as guards. If Valient Grrl was parading around the prison in some sort of fetish gear, or better yet buck naked, that might raise a few eyebrows the next time someone comes to visit the prison, would it not?

That said, if someone wanted to do a story about, oh I don't know, a day in the life of Belinda... I think that could easily handle some of these clothing concerns that you all may have. Ahem.

2) This story was intended to 'drag out' Crissy's inevitable fate from day one. The whole point was to have her try every scientist in town and have them all rebuff her (or fail her) before she finally 'sold her soul' to get what she wanted. If this in some way was frustrating to any of you, well, I'm sorry about that. I hope these next two issues were worth the wait.

3) That's right, there are now two issues left of "Forbidden Fantasy". Once the story concludes on 1/30, and we take a scheduled week off, we will pick up with a new story on 2/13 that I think you all will enjoy. :)

4) I have a plan to reconcile 'goth' Crissy/Blackout with whatever happens to her at the end of "Forbidden Fantasy". It may take a while to get there, but we WILL get there. Someday. For those of you who are wondering, "Forbidden Fantasy" takes place after the events of "The Bride".

5) One final note. Major props should go to my two partners on this story, Finister Foul and Trishbot. We are all accustomed to seeing Finister's great Poser art on a regular basis, and are probably spoiled by it. I know I am, and I want to publicly thank him for his high level of work over the past year.

I also want to take a moment to thank Trishbot, who has lent us a hand with her lettering and effects expertise. It is because of Trishbot's help that we are able to churn out this much content each month. Without her, I have no doubt that we would have to cut back, and we don't want that anymore than you do. So, please, thank her when you get a moment. It would mean a lot to me if you did.

- Doc
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Re: "Forbidden Fantasy" - A Grime City Story

Postby leto17 » January 18th, 2011, 8:28 pm


I really enjoyed the series. I really liked the episode. Here are my thoughts:

1. First off, the sex scenes were very hot and rewarding. Seeing Crissy and the guard slaves go at it was fantastic. Seeing Valliant Girl service Belinda was great too. I enjoyed them tremendously

2. I think the facial design for Belinda is excellent, as was Valiant Girl's Breasts, the closeup of the cunniligous scene with the guards, etc. The character designs were excellent in their erotic detail.

3. It was nice to see Gingerbot, Franbot, et. al. as well. I also hope to see them in some delectable sex scenes like the hot guard scenes with Crissy!

4. For the transformation sequence, I would also like it to be permanent for Crissy. This may be difficult to explain, but I am not so much into a complete mindwipe as into her mind being reprogrammed permanently so she knows what happened to her, but also enjoys it in a robotic manner because she has been programmed in that manner. I also look forward to how this may be reconciled with her service for Gotrhikka;).

5. A day in the life of Belinda would be awesome!

6. No matter what happens, I would like to see Erica Donovan, along with Crissy, permanently attached to Belinda, but we will see.

7. Now for the uniform. I suspect, that if we had seen much more bulging cleavage and bare shoulders, and a bit more color in the uniform, everyone would be happy. A bared midriff uniform might also have been more satisfactory for people. I actually find the uniform to be a bit cute.

8. I also thought the personalities of the characters were spot-on, such as Belinda, Crissy, etc.

Overall, I thought this was an execellent episode and hope to see more!
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Re: "Forbidden Fantasy" - A Grime City Story

Postby Northern Chill » January 18th, 2011, 8:49 pm

A great chapter and unlike others, I think VG's attire made perfect sense given where she was going and what she doing. Now, why Bluebird and Swallow were still in their guard uniforms during "close inspection by tongue", that baffled me...;)

A Day in the life of Belinda..?...why, that sounds like an interesting idea...not a long story but a naughty one indeed..hmmmm... :idea: :idea:
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Re: "Forbidden Fantasy" - A Grime City Story

Postby leto17 » January 18th, 2011, 8:55 pm

Yes, ultimately, I didn't mind the uniform so much and it was cute in its own way. Again, I think a little more cleavage and no one would be complaining, especially with a dash of color.

That inspection by tongue was awesome! Like to see Erica do that with Belinda! It was nice to see Valiant Girl's face buried in Belinda's Ass-it's where she belongs, after all! :twisted:
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Re: "Forbidden Fantasy" - A Grime City Story

Postby sohta123 » January 18th, 2011, 10:01 pm

I'd really like to see the Blackout persona take over but I'm not sure how you'd reconcile that with the robot inevitability.
I think a showdown between Chrissy and Silver Satin would be great with Blackout adding a bit to SS's corruption.

I agree on the thought process behind VGs guard outfit. Makes perfect sense.
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Re: "Forbidden Fantasy" - A Grime City Story

Postby madcap » January 18th, 2011, 10:08 pm

Doc, let me just reiterate a point I've made before, but I want to be clear...sometimes I talk about being frustrated about the slow build some of these stories have, but I wouldn't have it any other way. The build up with this Chrissy story should make the payoff in the last two chapters that much more satisfying! And though it may be frustrating to have the next cover hint that this or that is going to happen only to have it delayed for another issue, once the story is complete and I can go back and read it at my leisure, I find that I prefer the longer drawn-out stories.

So can you tell us ANYTHING about the story starting on Feb 13? :P
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Re: "Forbidden Fantasy" - A Grime City Story

Postby steverogers5 » January 20th, 2011, 12:02 pm

steverogers5 wrote:Personally, I just want to see Belinda have the now ensnared Valient Girl burying her face into Belinda's ass. It would be a nice call back to the trash talking they had at Belinda's jail cell from Kristin's earlier visit! LOL! :)

Well, it looks like I got what I wanted! LOL! Seeing Belinda getting her wicked way there, with her helplessly mind dominated opponent, was just so incredibly hot! :D So thanks very much for all the awesome work you've all been doing on this series. You, Trishbot, and Finister make an unbeatable team!

P.S Now that you've suggested that Kristen might be intended to be using her civilian time in this other 'job,' (Kinda like Brown Sugar as an unwitting Headlights Hottie) the uniform makes perfect sense to me. I'm intrigued about where all this is going...
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Re: "Forbidden Fantasy" - A Grime City Story

Postby dumbtime » January 20th, 2011, 1:27 pm

Doctor Robo wrote:I did a lot of thinking before assigning a 'guard' uniform to Valient Grrl. In the end I decided that storyline-wise it would make the most sense to dress her up in this way. Belinda and Marcia are trying to keep Belinda's little cartel a secret. One way to do this is to have the enslaved superheroines, who all operate under secret identities, utilize their civilian names and come to work at The Funhouse as guards. If Valient Grrl was parading around the prison in some sort of fetish gear, or better yet buck naked, that might raise a few eyebrows the next time someone comes to visit the prison, would it not?

That said, if someone wanted to do a story about, oh I don't know, a day in the life of Belinda... I think that could easily handle some of these clothing concerns that you all may have. Ahem.

I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around this, but with a head like mine...

Precursor - just being the devil's advocate - please don't throw any tomatoes

I guess Kristen is going to give up her job as secretary, Heather is going to give up her job as Assistant District Attorney and Janice is to give up her job as reporter to be prison guards?? I can see Ms Reins and Ms. Florenco being lost in the story line but, Ms. Thomas??

Stuff to me that raises red flags-
Here's how it looks: VG leaves to go to the Metrobay Prison with Crissy to drop off Trixie and never returns and somehow goes 'missing.' All of a sudden Kristen Thomas is a security guard at said prison. I can see Marcia working angles to get Kristen transferred but can she instantly do that with out any prior planning? Crissy is also missing but doesn't show up as a guard. If Marcia and Belinda are being careful not to let anyone know about the Cartel, then how did a prisoner drop off cause so much trouble. Ms. Metrobay, the only one that caught on to what was happenning is now somewhat distracted, but it wouldn't take long for the other SS lackeys to figure it out. And, I'm not talking about AW.

I would have to agree about the 'Day in the life of Belinda' at the prison. I want to see all four guards naked and out of those uniforms (especially Ms. Reins) doing something extremely freaky naughty. Maybe it can be used to help explain some of the things I can't wrap my head around.

I see this working inside this story itself but not the whole scheme of things. Brown Sugar can get away with working at Headlight Hottie because she is suppose to be working undercover. Erica was transferred to the prison to work. The other security guards work there too and can be easily manipulated by Marcia. The 3 heroines secret identities won't be that easy.

My opinion of what a possible outcome could have been: (and yes, it's just an opinion) I can see Belinda just making VG a mindless slave pet like she did Kelly/MM. I think she would more easily found a way to store her away in a 'special storage' if any activity arose at the prison. She can't hide the machine. VG going missing along with Crissy could have still happened but it wouldn't have looked bad on the prison. Superheroines go missing everyday in Metrobay.

Before this gets flamed and you guys start slinging rotten tomatoes and fiery darts - this is not an attack - I'm just expressing my dislike for and opinion of the uniform and the idea behind it in a cordial fashion (or at least what I think is a cordial way) :)

P.S. I am starting to really like the Ted/MM storyline. At first I didn't want MM to be anything but completely submissive. But, with her desire to please Ted, she's thinking on her toes as to not cause it to be anything but a secret between them, very much like an affair. I think Belinda should have considered that as well.
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Re: "Forbidden Fantasy" - A Grime City Story

Postby Doctor Robo » January 23rd, 2011, 9:09 pm

From the pages of MCcomix.com, Doctor Robo and Finister Foul proudly present “Forbidden Fantasy” chapter 22!

http://www.mccomix.com/gallery2/main.ph ... emId=17813

Crissy Tanner has visited nearly every scientist in Metrobay looking for the cure to her forbidden fantasy. She has finally found the one woman devious enough to do the deed, but at a terrible cost. Now that the hour is at hand, will the rookie heroine get cold feet and change her mind? Or will she finally get what she wants and become a robot woman once again? Find out in the penultimate chapter of “Forbidden Fantasy”, only at MCcomix.com!

http://www.mccomix.com/members/gallery2 ... _itemId=22

For more information, visit the Metrobay Comix wiki at: http://metrobay.wetpaint.com/
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Re: "Forbidden Fantasy" - A Grime City Story

Postby madcap » January 23rd, 2011, 10:30 pm

Well, the moment most of us have been waiting for is finally here! Doc, Fin and Trish, all I have to say is...FANTASTIC WORK! Looks like we have a new character in Metrobay now, and her name is Chrome! LOVE the robot design, there's something about the tight-fitting headgear, the way it makes her look bald, that I just love. And the glowing red eyes! Wonderful! I was really eager to see what this would look like, and I'm very pleased to say that I'm not disappointed at all! She is definitely distinctive and unique in the Metrobay universe! And best of all, unless someone annoyingly swoops in and "saves the day" next issue, this appears to be the kind of permanent (or long-term) change that I have been clamoring for for some time!

I can't wait to see Chrome getting put to good use by Belinda. I do kind of hope that eventual Belinda programs her to simply call her Mistress, because I think it's quite a bit hotter to hear "yes mistress" than "yes controller". I'm very happy to say that it looks like all the waiting has come to a very good payoff. Of course, it's not over yet...just those few pages of Chrome aren't enough, no sir! So I'm very pleased to know that we have another whole chapter left, and I have no doubt we'll be seeing Chrome appearing in other stories in the future!
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Re: "Forbidden Fantasy" - A Grime City Story

Postby Jasmine » January 24th, 2011, 12:47 pm

I am sooooo loveing this series. The wait has definitely been worth it!

First, I loooove VG's guard uniform. It is kind of a slap in the face to VG that she is no different than the other gusrds now, albeit a higher rank. THAT in itself is hot because she now is basically the head guard. Fun Fun!

Secondly, CHROME! WOW! I love it and the sinister undertones while Belinda was making her was way hot. I can't wait to see Crissy get hers as she betrays her friends and basically gets way more owned than I think she counted on.
I too love the headgear. There is something inherently hot about a woman who has her hair removed (or has it hidden) that really strips their identity. That just ranks slightly above having it changed as in the resort and other stories.

I look forward to this series every week. Keep up the great work!

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Re: "Forbidden Fantasy" - A Grime City Story

Postby bluemax2 » January 24th, 2011, 4:54 pm

Doc, Trish and Finn:
Love the latest installment. Chrome looks hot! Chrissy finally got what was coming to her.
What's Belinda going to do with her, I wonder...?
Now that Max knows what Belinda is up to does he have some new plans or perhaps a twist in Belinda's plans.
I believe Belinda is too much of a loose cannon for Max to have around. She really deserves the "greybot" treatment like Dani and Ginger. She would look very nice in grey latex but she does need some mammary enhancement, I would think.
Please don't let this series end "happily every after". Especially for the likes of Belinda, Ginger and Fran. The superheroines who are under Belinda's control should be "greybotted" too. And Chrissy/Chrome, well she's now a permanent automated fixture, don't you think?

I look forward to the next exciting installment.


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Re: "Forbidden Fantasy" - A Grime City Story

Postby leto17 » January 24th, 2011, 5:59 pm

Great installment! Thanks!
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