First things first, before i ever place the digital pencil to the pad, a script must be made, now i'm not sure about the format use to create the 3D comic, but for 2D comics it's a little more detail, for this demo i'll be making a page up so as not to provide spoilers by accident. Aside from title and author, a summary is given about the comic's overall events or purpose to the comic or to the whole story arc in general. That's followed by cast that will be in said comic issue, some writers i met like to add a mini summary to the cast, explaining their purpose for that issue. It then moves on to how many pages and what kind of pages, such as a splash page that combines two pages to make one big jaw dropping image, others have the number of panels to them, the most common I've seen is between five and six panels, more can be added, but is generally not used often. Also written is what is going on in each panel and what kind of angle such as a three quarter view, worms eye view and so on.
Pink Pussycat: Frozen assets
Summary: Pink Pussycat gets frozen in a block of ice by x villain
Pink Pussycat
X villain
1 page - splash page
Splash page: a camera shot slightly off center, from behind Pink Pussycat as she is frozen by X villan's powers, she is in a defensive position, arms raised. X villain is laughing, mocking posture.
There's usually more and with details such as location, day and time and extra comments and suggestions if the writer wants to make a request on the visual aspect. From there, the artist(me) takes the time to go over it with the writer and discus options and what not, after that it's time to draw out the comic. A lot of pages are done in sketches and are redefined in the later stages, lol for this demo i option to use an existing panel of work from Akonkid and trishbot's Body Image comic(thanks guys). Normally i go through various sketches of a page before i arrive at the one i like and fits with the writer's vision of the script(trishbot ftw!) and again(lol) i decided only to post the final sketch. And as you can probably tell, it's a lot different then what Akonkid as done, as i clearly exaggerated the action between Aria and Valiant Girl, still Akonkid has done a great job on the panel work.

From there once it's approved, it's time for inking processing, which is alot longer then just sketching it out. here i draw with extreme care unless i want to do the whole page over again, happen a few times as i learned to do the process correctly. At this stage its detail, detail, detail and more detail my friend, in pencils i'm overly more detailed then my digital art, still it's that detail that helps sell the story. Many other things can be done such as filling in negative space and add more visual appeal and what not have you.

Once the inked pages have been approved it's time for colors, a long and painstaking process that makes up about three-fourth of the process. I've made some mistakes along the way doing colors, specially tints and grays, hopefully i'm getting better at it. Most colorist i heard of have a library of color schemes for characters such as the X-men, Captain America, Ironman and so forth. In my case I'm having to build that library as i go. Also whoever tells you black and white are colors, hit them in the head....hard. Black and white are not colors they are values of light and dark, the grays you see are the several shades in between those two values.

Generally it takes me between a day to a week to finish a couple of pages depending on how much detail is needed, since i've just finish work on #3 this demo suffered alittle as i only moved to finish one panel of page in question. There's a lot of blending of colors, figuring out light sources in each panel, the mood and setting. Arranging color schemes as i go, sometimes i have to redo an entire page because i goofed or wasn't paying attention to something that was obviously wrong. After all is said and done, the comic goes into a post production mode were things like text and effects go in and generally were mistakes are found and deal with, (props to Trishbot for the help) and finally it's send to site to be posted.

I hope you guys found this interesting and informative, if you have any questions let me know.