Uzobono's The Division

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Re: Uzobono's The Division

Postby Northern Chill » April 16th, 2012, 5:03 pm

Great story so far, Uzobono, and I like this latest chapter in particular. Keep up the good work!!
Check out past covers from stories found here as well as text stories I've written at

"What does this story need?...more Franbot!!!"
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Re: Uzobono's The Division

Postby kakyo001 » April 17th, 2012, 3:19 am

I think it's save to assume that neither Laurie nor Sara will be able to become themself again...

Laurie had an AI installed into her brain... that can't leave much room for her old self. but she was a lawyer for the Agency... it hit the right target :P

it doesn't seem that Sara's mind was 'saved' when the doc mind wiped her... so it's a goodbye here too...
poor Sara, being the roommate of the devil (lawyer) doesn't turn you into a devil yourself... she's a casulty I actually mourn... Sara and the 43 other women who became mind-wiped drones :roll:

I'm interested to see where this goes :)
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Re: Uzobono's The Division

Postby Uzobono » April 17th, 2012, 12:36 pm

kakyo001 wrote:I think it's save to assume that neither Laurie nor Sara will be able to become themself again...

Laurie had an AI installed into her brain... that can't leave much room for her old self. but she was a lawyer for the Agency... it hit the right target :P

it doesn't seem that Sara's mind was 'saved' when the doc mind wiped her... so it's a goodbye here too...
poor Sara, being the roommate of the devil (lawyer) doesn't turn you into a devil yourself... she's a casulty I actually mourn... Sara and the 43 other women who became mind-wiped drones :roll:

I'm interested to see where this goes

Thanks Northern and kakyo001 for the comments :).

Just as a bit of background kakyo, my setting differs from Metrobay's in that *most* of the mind control IS permanent. That said, the persons who are "converted" or mc'd tend to have *some* of their former selves/memories intact. For example, when Sara was converted into Number 44, the drone *knew* where her apartment was to fetch Laurie for the Nemesis project.

Not to say none of that can't be reversed, *but* you see how evil the Agency is when you consider they don't care about using their own people for experiments when it's convenient (in that case Sara not being smart enough for Nemesis so Laurie was chosen).
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Re: Uzobono's The Division

Postby kakyo001 » April 17th, 2012, 12:54 pm

Uzobono wrote:
Just as a bit of background kakyo, my setting differs from Metrobay's in that *most* of the mind control IS permanent. That said, the persons who are "converted" or mc'd tend to have *some* of their former selves/memories intact. For example, when Sara was converted into Number 44, the drone *knew* where her apartment was to fetch Laurie for the Nemesis project.

Not to say none of that can't be reversed, *but* you see how evil the Agency is when you consider they don't care about using their own people for experiments when it's convenient (in that case Sara not being smart enough for Nemesis so Laurie was chosen).

thought as much...

we (the reader) don't know how succesful 'The Lady' will be... even if she can bring down the Agency and gather all enslaved women she probly won't be able to reverse the process for many of them (espacially those who were turned into uni-size drones ;) ) (my comment was mainly talking to myself with the informations we currently have :D )
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Re: Uzobono's The Division

Postby fools_page » April 17th, 2012, 3:40 pm

I have only recently begun enjoying the content of MCcomix - this is my first post to its forum - and I just wanted to express how much pleasure I received from your latest chapter of "The Division." As a fan of both drone- and ASFR-related fiction, it was quite entertaining, so much so that I persevered through the rather difficult (I found, with my poor eyesight) visual test in order to sign up for the forum to do so. I like the look of your drones, and the transformation sequence - both of them - were dramatic. Please keep up the good work.

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Re: Uzobono's The Division

Postby leto17 » April 17th, 2012, 7:39 pm

This series is fantastic. Please continue. I love the drones, although I confess I think 44 and her sisters have earned some high heels of their own.
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Re: Uzobono's The Division

Postby Uzobono » April 18th, 2012, 12:32 am

Thanks so much for the feedback :). A couple of things for updating purposes:

1. I want to make my comics a *bit* easier to read since they're dialogue heavy at points, so from now on they'll be a bit bigger in size for zooming in.

2. The next issue is a 40+ page mega-issue with 2 covers!

3. The drones may wear heels this time ;).
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Re: Uzobono's The Division

Postby leto17 » April 18th, 2012, 5:52 am

You know, I'd love to go into why I love this series, but everyone else does such a good job of covering why. I do love the manic evil genius:). I also like the Ruby/Haven pairing. And that scene of Ruby giving a blowjob...WOW! Amazing!
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Re: Uzobono's The Division

Postby Hector2 » April 25th, 2012, 9:28 pm

What kind of terrible place is Caro City, where even evil lawyers (are there of any other kind?) are in peril of the Agency? I thought Laurie Jupiter was a jerk, but what happened to her was cruel even for a lawyer.

Issue 5 has so much information, but not the name of the doctor, that in a cruel way didn’t even present herself to Laurie (well, its practical, Laurie doesn’t exist anymore… but very rude) and the way how Laurie was captured… its so cold, this city.

The best part: The way how Nemesis was… put in line? Awakened… and how she talked about Laurie… Caro City, the place where the AI are programmed to be jerks!

However, the very best revelation was not that Nemesis is ready to attack the Lady, but that the Lady was another AI gone… Wrong? Right?

I don’t know what is correct or not in your universe, but certainly is interesting!

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Re: Uzobono's The Division

Postby Uzobono » April 25th, 2012, 11:52 pm

Thanks so much Hector and leto! The next issues are on their way and I really hope you enjoy them, for now the full covers for issues #6 and #7 are up in the free area :).
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Re: Uzobono's The Division

Postby Uzobono » May 6th, 2012, 11:29 pm

Hello all! The Division's first act is swiftly coming to a close, and the first part of the two-part mega issue is here!

Her memories restored by an enigmatic benefactor, Agent Ruby comes face to face in a sit-down with her newfound ally!

Is the Lady all she seems to be? Why is she so interested in Haven, the Agency's top Agent? While all of these questions race through the scarlet Agent's mind, her mysterious host has a lot to learn in understanding Ruby's wants and needs!

The Lady's misunderstanding turns into an intimate and heated affair in the grand finale of Act One of 'The Division'!

You can find 'The Division #6' here in the free area of! Enjoy! ... emId=46367
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Re: Uzobono's The Division

Postby Uzobono » May 10th, 2012, 10:39 pm

Hello all! The Division's first act finale is here! This issue paired with part one ends the first act of this arc!

Her facility compromised, the Lady rushes off to buy Agent Ruby enough time to restore Haven to her original personality. Will the scarlet Agent save her beloved? With Nemesis hot on their heels, and time quickly running out, all hope rests on getting Haven back! The question is, is there enough of her left to salvage? The confrontation between the Agency and it's wayward Agents comes to a head in the final issue of the first act of The Division!

You can find 'The Division #7' here in the free area of! Enjoy! ... emId=46368
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Re: Uzobono's The Division

Postby MacroLass » May 11th, 2012, 2:45 am

Congratulations on finishing your first story arc, Uzo.

All in all, a very good first effort!
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Re: Uzobono's The Division

Postby Uzobono » May 16th, 2012, 12:40 am

Thanks so much Macrolass! Enjoy a haven portrait to be used in an upcoming cover :D !
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Re: Uzobono's The Division

Postby Hector2 » May 16th, 2012, 11:18 pm

Hi Uzobono:

I liked "The division" # 6 because it had a lot of developments that make you think!

For example: An AI whom first thought at being activated and being obligued to "obey" was "Screw this get me out of here". I think this is the "Inteligence" part, who would want to be at Caro City, a cruelest and coldest world between a lot of possible worlds?

Page 106 and 107 reminded me of the graphic novel "V is for Vendetta", when V escaped from the concentration camp.

I loved the idea of "storing" Haven mind, and how the Lady tried to understand this thing called love, and how when she saw Nemesis she went so panicked she didn't process it and make an error.

Great ideas!
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