24 hours later
Democratic Republic of Congo
Sitting in the driver's seat in his van...Daily Congo newspaper photographer Joe Kinte was on his personal mission again...to prove to everyone in the Democratic Republic of Congo...that his secret superheroine girlfriend Gorilla Woman was not a drug addict or a dangerous criminal...like some of the local media were making her out to be...after she was captured by the Congolese National Police...for allegedly trying to kill Congolese High Court Judge Jerome Kampele...with both the judge and decorated Congolese National Police Captain Sagna Malla...publicly claiming that she was high on marijuana when she invaded the judge's mansion days earlier...and police officers had to knock her out with pepper gas to capture her.
The teenage boy frowned as he looked at the plethora of news stories...posts and blogs online...on his phone...which claimed Gorilla Woman was a super addict and super whore...who worked for the Rasta Militia...who helped them to kidnap a group of teenage schoolgirls...then pretended to save them in exchange for them giving her some of their marijuana as payment to fuel her addiction.
CLICK HERE to read Gorilla Woman - Captured by The Coop -Issue#20:http://www.mccomix.com/members/gallery3/index.php/Mitru/Gorilla-Woman/Captured-by-The-Coop?page=4
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