Green Ice #6 - March 24th Update!

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Green Ice #6 - March 24th Update!

Postby mitru » March 24th, 2013, 5:56 am


Things are moving for our heroines, Skorpia and Gaua has reached Miss Galaxy's Contest hotel but kidnappers have gone and now it's time to search for clues...

CLICK HERE for comic update:


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Re: Green Ice #6 - March 24th Update!

Postby Hector2 » March 26th, 2013, 6:56 pm

Green Ice # 6:

Dear A.G. and Mitru:

I have been waiting 3 weeks for this installment, just when I was hoping it will be only two weeks. But I must say, this issue really delivers!

The way I was thinking about the Alley Cats, (Skorpia and Gaua) I thought they would be antiheroines and that they would be chased by the police, but then when I was looking at this comic, I was thinking about the Adam West batman!

Let’s see, a nurse that is prepared to help the victims of a supervillain, a serviceable police officer that lets our heroines come in, a lieutenant Ortega that not only explains the case, but let two vigilantes to get a copy of the evidence, heroines treated with true respect, definitely an unique police squad.

If I would point only a small thing that I didn’t like, was to waste a page in the spaceship, I mean, sure it’s cool a villain with his own jet, but seriously, you could use the space for more babes ;)

This is certainly a great ride, and I am anxious to see next issue, only to discover what else you had in mind. This is not only a great comic, is a funny comic. Good work!
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Re: Green Ice #6 - March 24th Update!

Postby mitru » March 27th, 2013, 4:05 pm

Thanks very much
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