Green Ice #1 - January 06 Update!

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Green Ice #1 - January 06 Update!

Postby mitru » January 8th, 2013, 2:31 am

Greetings everyone!

Here it's my first contribution to MCcomix website and my first comic done in Poser, so I apoligizes if it looks a bit crap... the next numbers get better and better.

I want to thank JPEGER for give me the opportunity to share this work through this website, Hector for contacting my brother (Mitru) and write this story for us and now...



Join the ranks of Mr.Ice minions and supporters... or help the valiant heroines in their fight... YOU CHOSE!

We'll see at the next sunday with BLUNDER WOMAN adventures on MCCOMIX.

Mitru & Bro
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Re: Green Ice #1 - January 06 Update!

Postby Hector2 » January 11th, 2013, 5:05 pm

Dear Mitru’s brother:

Hi there! I was looking for your name or at least a nickname, but I couldn’t find it. However, let me tell you that your work is awesome!!!

I cannot tell anything about the story of this comic given my intimate relationship with the author, but I could say that he sounds handsome!

I only can say that this was the most unexpected Magi gift I have received (here at Mexico, January 6th the Magi come and give gift to children).

And about your comment, I chose to join the ranks of Mr. Ice and his supporters! Yeah!+

Thanks! (And please say hello to Mitru) ;)
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Re: Green Ice #1 - January 06 Update!

Postby mitru » January 12th, 2013, 1:46 am

Hello Hector and thanks for your comments,

I use the same forum and artist account than my brother (Mitru) since it makes everything easier: post, updates, etc... But if you want contact me, you can do through the same ways you do with my bro.
Even I'm using the nickname of AG for comic creation we post under the same nickame here.

The comics made by me are signed as Mitru AG comix and the ones made by my brother are simply signed as Mitru Comix, we also put the names of scripter & artist on the comic credits and cover too.

About the Magi's gift, we live in Spain where that tradition exists too... I was a good boy the last year and they left me a Kindle E-book reader... He He He! :D

About the artowrk quality, that was my first work and I admitt that I'm getting better with each comic I do, but I think I have a good master... you'll be able to see the first work of my brother Mitru for MCcomix this sunday and I'm sure that you will not get dissapointed.

Thanks again

PS. Any suggestion or comment to improve our work is ever welcome
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Re: Green Ice #1 - January 06 Update!

Postby dumbtime » January 27th, 2013, 7:17 pm

Very promising storyline you've got going here.

I really like the villian you've started your story with. He looks promising as a mastermind. He is very passionate about what he is doing,
not some yokle that just wants to spread reckless abandonment everywhere. He has done a good job on his blizzardettes but, i'm very
curious on what his main goal is and how he looks to go about it with the beauty pagent contestant.

Really, really good start here. Can't wait to see more.

I think the collaboration you two have going is a going to continue to produce a great story arc.

Keep up the great work.

BTW, what does he do with the girls that don't turn out the way he wants them to?
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Re: Green Ice #1 - January 06 Update!

Postby mitru » January 28th, 2013, 1:32 am

Thanks Dumbtime!

All the merit here is for Hector, he was who created the villain of this comic storie. The Blizzardettes were my little contribution as I thought that Mr.Ice must have some sexy and faithful servants to help him in his acts of villany.

About the girls of the "failed" experiments, I didn't think about it really... perhaps he uses them to get an economical profit selling the babes on a white slave market... or whatever we leave it to our readers imagination

Thanks for your comments again, they're much appreciated.

PS. I like your work too
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