Alternate Outlook

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Alternate Outlook

Postby Northern Chill » October 4th, 2022, 9:26 am

Hello, everyone. Today, the opening chapter of Alternate Outlook debuts in the members section here at MCComix.

On a typical day in Elmdale, two women are looking to buy some clothes. However, the habits for one may lead to problems for both going forwards.

Members can find this update at ... /Chapter-1

Big kudos to 3D-Swede for the great art in this update. 3D-Swede is relatively new to this niche but I'm sure members will love his work.

Enjoy the welcome as always.

Northern Chill
Check out past covers from stories found here as well as text stories I've written at

"What does this story need?...more Franbot!!!"
Northern Chill
Posts: 1973
Joined: September 12th, 2009, 6:48 pm

Re: Alternate Outlook

Postby Northern Chill » December 6th, 2022, 9:58 am

Hello, everybody. Today, chapter two of Alternate Outlook debuts in the members section here at MCComix.

Donna discovers that her roommate has a paid a price for getting clothes without paying for them. Before she can figure out what to do next, fate intervenes for both of them in an unexpected way.

Members can find this update at ... /Chapter-2

Kudos to 3D-Swede for the fantastic art in this update.

Enjoy the update. Feedback welcome as always.

Northern Chill
Check out past covers from stories found here as well as text stories I've written at

"What does this story need?...more Franbot!!!"
Northern Chill
Posts: 1973
Joined: September 12th, 2009, 6:48 pm

Re: Alternate Outlook

Postby Northern Chill » January 24th, 2023, 8:43 am

Hello, everybody. Today, chapter three of Alternate Outlook debuts in the members section here at MCComix.

The activities at Rochelle's has drawn the interest of a local police detective but can she uncover what is going on or will she be ensnared as well?

Members can find this update at ... /Chapter-3

Kudos to 3D-Swede for the fantastic art in this update.

Enjoy the welcome as always.

Northern Chill
Check out past covers from stories found here as well as text stories I've written at

"What does this story need?...more Franbot!!!"
Northern Chill
Posts: 1973
Joined: September 12th, 2009, 6:48 pm

Re: Alternate Outlook

Postby Northern Chill » March 21st, 2023, 9:10 am

Hello, everyone. Today, chapter four of Alternate Outlook debuts in the members section here at MCComix.

Life has seemingly returned to normal for Donna and Ellen with only vague memories existing for one. For the other, though, the recollections are stronger and she decides on a course of action that will impact both...perhaps permanently.

Members can find this update at ... /Chapter-4

Kudos to 3D-Swede for the fantastic art in this update.

Enjoy the welcome as always.

Northern Chill
Check out past covers from stories found here as well as text stories I've written at

"What does this story need?...more Franbot!!!"
Northern Chill
Posts: 1973
Joined: September 12th, 2009, 6:48 pm

Re: Alternate Outlook

Postby Northern Chill » May 16th, 2023, 9:15 am

Hello, everyone. Today, chapter five of Alternate Outlook debuts in the members section here at MCComix.

Rochelle's has a unique clientele and ways of displaying merchandise. At night, management looks to enjoy the hard work of the day in a very sensual way.

Members can find this update at ... /Chapter-5

Big kudos to 3D-Swede for the great art in this chapter!

Enjoy the welcome as always.

Northern Chill
Check out past covers from stories found here as well as text stories I've written at

"What does this story need?...more Franbot!!!"
Northern Chill
Posts: 1973
Joined: September 12th, 2009, 6:48 pm

Re: Alternate Outlook

Postby Northern Chill » July 11th, 2023, 8:39 am

Hello, everybody. Today, chapter six of Alternate Outlook debuts in the members section here at MCComix.

Tammy finds herself in what seems like an erotic nightmare...transformed into a love doll and unable to regain her normal state. Can chance give her an opportunity to escape her predicament or will that door to escape slam shut?

Members can find this update at ... /Chapter-6

Kudos to 3D-Swede for the art in this update.

Enjoy the welcome as always.

Northern Chill
Check out past covers from stories found here as well as text stories I've written at

"What does this story need?...more Franbot!!!"
Northern Chill
Posts: 1973
Joined: September 12th, 2009, 6:48 pm

Re: Alternate Outlook

Postby Northern Chill » August 29th, 2023, 1:11 pm

Hello, everyone. Today, chapter seven of Alternate Outlook debuts in the members section here at MCComix.

Concerned that her friend Tammy has vanished, Linda visits Rochelle's to see if her friend visited there recently. What transpires is something straight out of an erotic dream..or nightmare...

Members can find this update at ... /Chapter-7

Kudos to 3D-Swede for the great art in this update.

Enjoy the welcome as always.

Northern Chill
Check out past covers from stories found here as well as text stories I've written at

"What does this story need?...more Franbot!!!"
Northern Chill
Posts: 1973
Joined: September 12th, 2009, 6:48 pm

Re: Alternate Outlook

Postby Northern Chill » September 13th, 2023, 11:56 am

Hello, everybody. Sorry for the delay in posting. Spent a number of days in local hospital dealing with an infection and just getting back up to speed. Today, chapter eight of Alternate Outlook debuts in the members section here.

Gerald looks to have the perfect sex oriented lifestyle delivered into his lap. This belief seems to be confirmed by an unexpected delivery that may improve Gerald's settings even more.

Members can find this update at ... /Chapter-8

Kudos to 3D-Swede for the great art in this update.

Enjoy the welcome as always.

Northern Chill
Check out past covers from stories found here as well as text stories I've written at

"What does this story need?...more Franbot!!!"
Northern Chill
Posts: 1973
Joined: September 12th, 2009, 6:48 pm

Re: Alternate Outlook

Postby Northern Chill » November 7th, 2023, 9:47 am

Hello, everyone. Today, chapter nine of Alternate Outlook debuts in the members section here.

Wondrous Warrior and Power Woman decide to investigate Rochelle's on an undercover basis but their plans are ways they aren't aware of.

Members can find this update at ... /Chapter-9

Kudos to 3D-Swede for the great art in this update.

Enjoy the welcome as always.

Northern Chill
Check out past covers from stories found here as well as text stories I've written at

"What does this story need?...more Franbot!!!"
Northern Chill
Posts: 1973
Joined: September 12th, 2009, 6:48 pm

Re: Alternate Outlook

Postby Northern Chill » January 2nd, 2024, 10:17 am

Hello, everybody. Today, chapter ten of Alternate Outlook debuts in the members section here.

The heroines are relaxing after a night of intense intimacy when an unexpected delivery could mean an additional opportunity. However, the gift could change their lives dramatically going forwards.

Members can find this update at ... Chapter-10

Kudos to 3D-Swede for the fantastic art in this chapter.

Enjoy the welcome as always.

Northern Chill
Check out past covers from stories found here as well as text stories I've written at

"What does this story need?...more Franbot!!!"
Northern Chill
Posts: 1973
Joined: September 12th, 2009, 6:48 pm

Re: Alternate Outlook

Postby Northern Chill » February 27th, 2024, 9:56 am

Hello, everyone. Today, chapter eleven of Alternate Outlook debuts in the members section here at MCComix.

Lily Blackwell has ensnared two powerful heroines and looks to use them in an unusual plan for profits and fame.

Members can find this update at ... Chapter-11

Big kudos to 3D-Swede for the fantastic art in this update!

Enjoy the welcome as always.

Northern Chill
Check out past covers from stories found here as well as text stories I've written at

"What does this story need?...more Franbot!!!"
Northern Chill
Posts: 1973
Joined: September 12th, 2009, 6:48 pm

Re: Alternate Outlook

Postby Northern Chill » April 9th, 2024, 9:23 am

Hello, everybody. Today, chapter twelve of Alternate Outlook debuts in the members section here at MCComix.

The heroines find themselves in an unusual predicament..helpless and seemingly unable to prevent the fate desired for them by their opponent. Can they turn the tables or are they doomed for the erotically charged fate planned for them?

Members can find this update at ... Chapter-12

Big kudos to 3D-Swede for the phenomenal art in this update!

Enjoy the welcome as always.

Northern Chill
Check out past covers from stories found here as well as text stories I've written at

"What does this story need?...more Franbot!!!"
Northern Chill
Posts: 1973
Joined: September 12th, 2009, 6:48 pm

Re: Alternate Outlook

Postby Northern Chill » May 21st, 2024, 9:44 am

Hello, everyone. Today, chapter thirteen of Alternate Outlook debuts in the members section here at MCComix.

Two attractive women are invited by Gerald to his home for a night of erotic fun. As part of the entertainment, the women are there before the host and given the opportunity to take part in an intimate act. Nothing strange could arise out of it..or could it?

Members can find this update at ... Chapter-13

Kudos to 3D-Swede for the fantastic art in this chapter!

Enjoy the welcome as always.

Northern Chill
Check out past covers from stories found here as well as text stories I've written at

"What does this story need?...more Franbot!!!"
Northern Chill
Posts: 1973
Joined: September 12th, 2009, 6:48 pm

Re: Alternate Outlook

Postby Northern Chill » June 11th, 2024, 9:06 am

Hello, everybody. Today, chapter fourteen of Alternate Outlook debuts in the members section here at MCComix.

A new customer visits Rochelle's for items to purchase and is drawn to the realistic displays she sees. Before she can investigate the figures closely, she may find her plans fall to pieces...quite literally.

Members can find this update at ... Chapter-14

Big kudos to 3D-Swede for the fantastic art in this chapter.

Enjoy the welcome as always.

Northern Chill
Check out past covers from stories found here as well as text stories I've written at

"What does this story need?...more Franbot!!!"
Northern Chill
Posts: 1973
Joined: September 12th, 2009, 6:48 pm

Re: Alternate Outlook

Postby Northern Chill » July 23rd, 2024, 9:49 am

Hello, everyone. Today, chapter fifteen of Alternate Outlook debuts in the member's section here at MCComix.

The staff at Rochelle's are always busy attending to the realistic displays in the store. However, for one management woman, her personal desires may prove to be her undoing.

Members can find this update at ... Chapter-15

Kudos to 3d-Swede for the fantastic art in this chapter.

Enjoy the welcome as always.

Northern Chill
Check out past covers from stories found here as well as text stories I've written at

"What does this story need?...more Franbot!!!"
Northern Chill
Posts: 1973
Joined: September 12th, 2009, 6:48 pm

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