Dear FirstBorn:
I cannot shake the despairing feeling that leave me this story. It has nothing to do with your art or with your writing. I thought those were super. The problem is: I don’t like stories where the perfectly likable heroine falls.
Of course that was your intention, this is the tale of how an antiheroine is born. But even then, the Christmas tale was so beautiful and well done, that I feel it’s unfair that everything ends like this.
However, for all her “corruption”, Daystar (FallenStar) seems to be the same clueless girl as ever: She still doesn’t understand very well what were Sharon’s intentions: She seems to believe Sharon will content herself with being a subordinate. That is not Sharon. I don’t know if is because she is the last of her race, but Daystar knows much more about being a successful supervillain that bein an acceptable lover.
However, if there is something I liked, was Sharon’s character development… Because her circumstances were exactly the same: Sharon began as a powerless sidekick that always is rescued by Daystar and she ended exactly in the same position: Being rescued by Fallenstar.
Sharon always wanted to make Daystar notice her and return her feelings. And in all of the tale she didn’t get that. She was abused by the vampire, the demon in the tiara, and Fallenstar. When she tried to seduce the demon, she was so humiliated I feel bad for her (and given she is a traitor and an amoral vampire, it’s something difficult to do).
What Sharon wanted was power, the power to doblegate Fallenstar to her will. And that was exactly what she didn’t get. Then when she was with the tiara’s demon, she wanted something that FallenStar didn’t get, hoping to be more powerful than her… but, she was tricked by the demon (really Sharon, trusting a demon?).
The best part is the dismissive comtempt FallenStar has for Sharon: Even when she loves her, FallenStar do not respect Sharon (she didn’t think her new name is important). Sharon must be pretty desperate for power over Fallenstar, and I think that would be a pretty interesting comic.