Tony wrote:dumbtime wrote:You read the editor's note wrong.
The note seems clear. Either this story happens before "Ensnared", or this story is before part of "Ensnared" rather than the whole story which means it is running concurrently with that story. Either way, I was looking for clarification which your answer does not give. Your answer would have been clearer if you had stated "I will not answer that" rather than telling me I misread the note.
I also tried to get clarification on the timing of the other stories that seems to be directly related. Your answer didn't touch that at all.
I guess I was looking for too much. Thanks anyway....
Sorry, dear sir, if I managed to tick you off somehow with my response. I didn't have intentions to provoke you in any way as we haven't had much interaction in forum discussions before and I hope not to do so in the future.
I thought the note was pretty clear in what it says therefore, I perceived that you misread it. It definitely says 'before' and not 'concurrent.' This is an AA Universe story and not a Metrobay story so it wouldn't adhere strictly to the Metrobay chronology. It does tie into the 'Ensnared' and 'Brainwashed' storylines, which are a part of the Metrobay chronology, and needed to be mentioned to keep readers in tune.
If there is an issue here, please PM me so we can discuss this in a private matter.