Trishbot's "Hypnotica" series

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Re: Trishbot's "Hypnotica" series

Postby Tecknophyle » March 11th, 2010, 8:21 am

One other thing I'd mention: aside from heroes being heroes, you get to see Max actually be a good villain.

Again, with all due respect, most of the time Max is portrayed more Dr. Evil than Lex Luthor: a bumbling, hapless moron who owes any success to more dumb luck and some kind of gadget someone else invents than anything. By any measure, Max as usually portrayed should be stomped on by hero(ine)s and have long ago been booted to the curb by anyone on his side with some spare neurons and actual planning abilities. You get told he's this mastermind/power behind the scenes, but he rarely ever displays that, instead only going on to next week's exciting story because (a) the heroes are dumber, or (b) you are told he's used another Get Out Of Jail Free card.

The Max seen here, especially in the most recent installment, isn't like that. He's cool and collected, he's obviously thought a strategy through, he's shown in the flashbacks to have shown foresight and other words he's a good villain. A genuine, believable threat.
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Re: Trishbot's "Hypnotica" series

Postby finister » March 11th, 2010, 2:30 pm

Thank you all for the kind words!

We really appreciate it!!

that's a fantastic cover, TEK :D
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Re: Trishbot's "Hypnotica" series

Postby ashleychloroformed » March 13th, 2010, 9:53 am

Very cool update;)

The plot just keeps thickening. :mrgreen:
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Re: Trishbot's "Hypnotica" series

Postby leto17 » April 8th, 2010, 8:01 pm

Yes, keep it up!
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Re: Trishbot's "Hypnotica" series

Postby jarlaxxle » April 12th, 2010, 6:25 am

Any word on the next issue? Im sitting on the edge of my seat. Its that good. Amazing work! Absolutely amazing.
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Re: Trishbot's "Hypnotica" series

Postby Trishbot » April 12th, 2010, 8:43 am

jarlaxxle wrote:Any word on the next issue? Im sitting on the edge of my seat. Its that good. Amazing work! Absolutely amazing.

Finister's a busy man, so we're just waiting for some time to open up and we'll get right on it!

But here's a little pin-up to keep you happy until then. ;)
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Re: Trishbot's "Hypnotica" series

Postby jarlaxxle » April 12th, 2010, 1:42 pm

Man i love this series. You two are fantastic!

*Presents you with the prestigious Mesmer Award for outstanding work in the MC and 3D community*
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Re: Trishbot's "Hypnotica" series

Postby begbie_rentonspud » May 19th, 2010, 8:20 pm

Just saw the new cover and release date of the new "Hypnotica" issue has been posted... Say... Who is that guest cover artist you have there? Just kidding. I can't wait for what you and Finster has in stored for the MC Comix community.

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Re: Trishbot's "Hypnotica" series

Postby Trishbot » May 21st, 2010, 10:31 am

Hey everyone! I'm here with a new Hypnotica update from Finister Foul and myself!

With his dastardly plot revealed to Hypnotica and the other heroines, does Max seriously think they'd just let him walk away? Of course not! But Max has an ace up his sleeve in the form of a mind controlled Solaria, along with a whole army of androids! It's balls-to-the-wall action as the heroines face off against insurmountable odds, pitting man against machine, heroine against villain, and friend against friend! But will the heroines emerge victorious, or will even their combined strength fail to save them from Max's fiendish ploy? Find out in Hypnotica #9!

You can find all the glorious chaos here:

Also, a word of thanks to our two guest cover artists for this update! Be sure to check out the gorgeous hand-drawn covers by artist Begbie_Rentonspud and The Zombifier!

The Zombifier:

I hope you enjoy everyone, and I'll be back soon with more mind control goodness!
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Re: Trishbot's "Hypnotica" series

Postby Tecknophyle » May 21st, 2010, 2:36 pm

Okay, cliché as it was, the dialogue from the robots was hilarious.

And on a serious note, superpowered people doing actual superpowered stuff...good thing.
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Re: Trishbot's "Hypnotica" series

Postby Akonkid » May 21st, 2010, 3:46 pm

While the hypno content was a bit light, there was so much else going on and so many entertaining moments that I barely noticed. And it seems like this is just building anticipation for the sexier things to come!

For starters, the action was great. We often see these heroines doing more normal, mundane things. They look the part, but rarely do they ACT the part. The last issue had the heroines saying noble and heroic things, but this issue shows they have the skills to back up their words. Seeing Snowflake battle against Solaria in the skies was amazing, and Valient Grrl proved that she's an absolutely terrifying opponent when she cuts loose. It's always great to see superheroes using their superpowers, and this issue was a great showpiece for many of them.

I also have to agree that the robots in this issue were hilarious. It was totally caught off guard on that. I'm so used to the entirely emotionless, boring drones, and yet these ones were spouting pop-culture references and one-liners all over the place. It was an odd detail I enjoyed immensely.

And speaking of which, the balance of fighting and comedy was excellent done. And this was a treasure trove of movie references. I caught references to The Wizard of Oz, Dirty Harry, 300, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Airplane!, and probably others. Meanwhile, Troublina, Snowflake, and Hypnotica's dialogue continues to make me smile, whether it's banter about pop-CDs, misguided battle tactics, or other random things.

Naturally, the ending has me glued to me seat and eager for more. Things certainly look like they're going to get far more interesting and I can't wait to see how the heroines get out of this mess... if they get out at all.
If she would just do what I asked, I wouldn't need to use mind control!
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Re: Trishbot's "Hypnotica" series

Postby Northern Chill » May 22nd, 2010, 8:02 am

Great action packed chapter with artwork that really matched the dialogue perfectly. A few thoughts:

1) Max's threat to make the heroines surrender in the end poses one question: why didn't he try the same thing before the fight and save himself a number of expensive robots? Max is a businessman as well as all his other nasty tendencies.

2) Hypnotica's tendencies to flash her breasts to take control of a situation makes one wonder why she didn't try it with Max as things started to spiral out of control. Control Max, control Solaria....

3) Anyone notice that the teaser pic Trishbot posted a while back teases not for this chapter but for possible future chapters? Interesting....

Very solid chapter and I look forward to seeing how all of this plays out. Kudos to Trishbot and Finister Foul!
Check out past covers from stories found here as well as text stories I've written at

"What does this story need?...more Franbot!!!"
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Re: Trishbot's "Hypnotica" series

Postby Trishbot » May 22nd, 2010, 8:25 am

Northern Chill wrote:Great action packed chapter with artwork that really matched the dialogue perfectly. A few thoughts:

1) Max's threat to make the heroines surrender in the end poses one question: why didn't he try the same thing before the fight and save himself a number of expensive robots? Max is a businessman as well as all his other nasty tendencies.

2) Hypnotica's tendencies to flash her breasts to take control of a situation makes one wonder why she didn't try it with Max as things started to spiral out of control. Control Max, control Solaria....

3) Anyone notice that the teaser pic Trishbot posted a while back teases not for this chapter but for possible future chapters? Interesting....

Very solid chapter and I look forward to seeing how all of this plays out. Kudos to Trishbot and Finister Foul!

Thanks for the feedback!
To answer your questions:

1) Max didn't have the advantage until after the fight. He said himself that the heroines always fight to the end and usually never give up. He knew they wouldn't surrender unless they had no other choice.

2) Hypnotica was still a bit shell-shocked to learn that her entire life was fabricated and that she was created by Max. She was listening to him and clinging to every word so using her powers wasn't in her head at that point. Also, she doesn't usually use her powers unless she feels threatened or feels in control. Max wasn't trying to harm her at all until the robots appeared and she tried her powers out then.

3) Ah yes, the teaser pic. Stay tuned...
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Re: Trishbot's "Hypnotica" series

Postby leto17 » May 31st, 2010, 6:30 pm

Good to see Ms. Wellington in action!
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Re: Trishbot's "Hypnotica" series

Postby Mr. Cryptic » June 9th, 2010, 9:56 am

Hi! I just registered in the forums here at MC Comix just so I could say how much I enjoy the Hypnotica series! I'll just point out a few of the things I've enjoyed most:

1) The clever twist where Hypnotica's use I liked the clever twist where Hypnotica's mind control had unexpected effects on Mick and Snowflake!
2) The art is great! I especially like the way Valiant Grrl looks!
3) The dialogue is fun and clever!
3) The recent superbattle was probably the best looking I've seen in a 3d comic! Like Akonkids said, I think it's important to see the superheroines actually doing superheroic deeds. To me, the thrilling, erotic part about superheroines being mind controlled is that contrast between the heroine being so powerful, but then being so totally subjugated. So if you showcase the heroine's power, it makes the mind control aspect that much more tantalizing! Hypnotica's thoughts when she's controlling Valiant Grrl (e.g. "she's like a caged lioness") I think reflect that same idea.
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