Lady Shiva Chapter 5

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Lady Shiva Chapter 5

Postby Sierra008 » February 19th, 2011, 6:09 am

In the last episode the ECSS lost its premiere Crime Fighting Assualt Force, Team One. In this episode, two of the heroines attempt to move on with their lives by doing what all superheroines love to do, shopping. Little do they know the store is owned by none other than Salina Talbot, the mastermind behind all of the resent ECSS disappearances lately. Nano and Operator are blissfully ignorant of this fact until Nano stumbles onto a clue that could cost her more than she is willing to pay. Find out their fates in the newest chapter of Lady Shive Nano Teck Dreams.

Sorry for the long delay between chapters everyone. I went home for vacation over Christmas this year, since I didn't get to go last year to see my kids. Then I get back and the end of year and new year workload was really time consuming. Working a 12 hour 7 day a week job can be draining and I lost track of time. However if it weren't for Northernchill and MCTEK helping me out with this issue I probably would still be wondering when it would get done. They greatfully offered to proofread and give advice on things that I need to work on as I move forward with this series. I also started to use Comic Life 2 instead of Photoshop for putting this comic together. So here, finally is chapter 5 for your reading pleasure.

Thanks Northerchill and MCTEK for the help and advice on on this issue.

Posts: 19
Joined: April 11th, 2010, 12:11 pm

Re: Lady Shiva Chapter 5

Postby Northern Chill » February 19th, 2011, 11:28 am

Glad to help out and kudos on a cool looking chapter. I'm looking forward to seeing where your story goes from here.
Check out past covers from stories found here as well as text stories I've written at

"What does this story need?...more Franbot!!!"
Northern Chill
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Re: Lady Shiva Chapter 5

Postby mctek » February 19th, 2011, 1:00 pm

Awesome stuff man, happy to help out dude, let me know if you need anymore help :D

Posts: 412
Joined: December 11th, 2009, 2:35 pm

Re: Lady Shiva Chapter 5

Postby leto17 » February 25th, 2011, 9:25 am

Thanks shadowhawk! This episode was alot of erotic, sexy fun! Love the dolls!
Posts: 320
Joined: September 10th, 2009, 6:40 am

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