Member's Update - Recursion (Chapter 56)

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Member's Update - Recursion (Chapter 56)

Postby Northern Chill » January 18th, 2024, 3:18 pm

Hello, everybody. Today, chapter fifty six of Balthazar's Recursion debuts in the member's section here at MCComix.

Darcy and the Headhuntress have a desperate plan to track down the Prime Directrix... and the tiny Dogbot is key. All they have to do is weave their way through the city streets without losing track of him, a task easier said than done. But a sudden surprise will bring that effort to a crashing halt. Find out what happens in the next issue of Recursion, only at!

Members can find this update at ... n/Issue-56

Enjoy the welcome as always.
Check out past covers from stories found here as well as text stories I've written at

"What does this story need?...more Franbot!!!"
Northern Chill
Posts: 2035
Joined: September 12th, 2009, 6:48 pm

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