Gorilla Woman charged towards Nurse Edna...Dirk and the orderlies...making light work of them with a sequence of punches and kicks.
Minutes later...Joe snapped photos of the dazed and defeated animal hospital staff...locked up in cages used to keep animals...while Gorilla Woman returned from Doctor Abner Mandala with a file on the kidnapped women who were drugged and conditioned at the hospital before they were sold as sex slaves...after getting Nurse Edna to talk about the file.
"The sex slaves have been moved to a warehouse in the Makelele district...They're going to be taken by boat to the Republic of Congo tonight...We need to call the police and tell them to go to the warehouse...We have to stop them from escaping..." said the Big Breasted Black Giantess to her teenage boyfriend as they exited the animal hospital through the front door.
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