Looking for an artist!

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Looking for an artist!

Postby madcap » June 2nd, 2013, 7:56 am

So I started working on a story with a Poser artist, and he just bailed on me after we completed the first chapter. I really grew attached to the idea of telling this story, however, and sadly my Poser skills are not up to snuff just yet. I don't want to reveal too many details on this public forum, but this is a story idea that has a lot of potential to go on for a long time, with lots of interesting characters and many various types of mind control weaved into it. What I would like to do is start the story over from scratch with a new artist.

I'd love to work with an artist who is passionate and interested and wants to be involved in creating these characters WITH me rather than "for" me (which is why I want to start over from scratch: to give the new artist an opportunity to put his stamp on the world rather than pick up someone else's pieces and continue with them). As I'm well aware that the art takes significantly longer than the writing, I'm willing to offer the artist the majority of the payment money for each chapter.

So if you have an opening in your schedule and are interested in beginning a new project, shoot me a PM and I will be happy to give you more details.

Oh! And one more thing I forgot to mention! I am absolutely willing to help pay for any Poser props that the story requires, as it only seems fair!
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Re: Looking for an artist!

Postby MacroLass » June 2nd, 2013, 3:04 pm

Sad but true, that kind of thing happens all too often with the stories we created. Still, you've got a good attitude despite this setback. I'm not an artist myself (and you can't have any of the ones I use :lol: ) so all I can do is wish you good luck in your search.
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Re: Looking for an artist!

Postby mitru » June 3rd, 2013, 1:11 am

I'm ever eager for new collaborations, cause english narrative is not my strong point but I've not any open slots for new stories at the moment, I'm sorry.
Perhaps in the future.

Good luck.
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Re: Looking for an artist!

Postby madcap » June 5th, 2013, 2:50 pm

Thanks guys, I managed to find an artist and we're moving forward with the collaboration. :)
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